Linear Models and Analysis of Variance:



Volume II






First Edition









David W. Stockburger


Southwest Missouri State University







@Copyright 1993


                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS


Title                                                                                            Page

EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS.............................................................................. 132

Notation.................................................................................................... 133

Kinds of Factors........................................................................................ 134

Treatment...................................................................................... 134

Group Factors............................................................................... 135

Trials Factors................................................................................ 135

Blocking........................................................................................ 135

Unit Factors.................................................................................. 137

Error Factors................................................................................. 137

Fixed and Random Factors........................................................................ 137

Fixed Factors................................................................................ 137

Random Factors............................................................................ 138

Relationships Between Factors................................................................... 139

Crossed........................................................................................ 139

Nested.......................................................................................... 140

An Example Design................................................................................... 142

A Second Example Design......................................................................... 144

A Third Example Design............................................................................ 146

Determining the Number of Subjects and Measures per Subject................. 148

Setting up the Data Matrix......................................................................... 148

A Note of Caution..................................................................................... 149


One Between Group ANOVA.............................................................................. 150

Why Multiple Comparisons Using t-tests is NOT the Analysis of Choice..... 150

The Bottom Line - Results and Interpretation of ANOVA.......................... 151


The Sampling Distribution Reviewed.............................................. 153

Two Ways of Estimating the Population Parameter σX˛................... 154

The F-ratio and F-distribution.................................................................... 157

Non-significant and Significant F-ratios....................................................... 159

Similarity of ANOVA and t-test................................................................. 162


EXAMPLE OF A SIGNIFICANT ONE-WAY ANOVA........................ 164

USING MANOVA.................................................................................. 164

The Data....................................................................................... 165

Example Output............................................................................. 166

Dot Notation............................................................................................. 168

POST-HOC Tests of Significance.............................................................. 170

Example SPSS Program using MANOVA................................................. 173

Interpretation of  Output............................................................................ 174

Graphs of Means....................................................................................... 175

The ANOVA Summary Table................................................................... 176

Main Effects.................................................................................. 177

Simple Main Effects....................................................................... 178

Interaction Effects.......................................................................... 178

Example Data Sets, Means, and Summary Tables...................................... 180

No Significant Effects..................................................................... 180

Main Effect of A............................................................................ 181

Main Effect of B............................................................................ 182

AB Interaction............................................................................... 183

Main Effects of A and B................................................................ 184

Main effect of A, AB Interaction ................................................... 185

Main Effect of B, AB Interaction.................................................... 186

Main Effects of A and B, AB Interaction........................................ 187

No Significant Effects..................................................................... 188

Dot Notation Revisited.............................................................................. 189


Nested Two Factor Between Groups Designs B(A)............................................... 192

The Design................................................................................................ 192

The Data................................................................................................... 192

SPSS commands....................................................................................... 193

The Analysis.............................................................................................. 193

The Table of Means....................................................................... 194

Graphs.......................................................................................... 194

The ANOVA Table....................................................................... 195

Interpretation of Output............................................................................. 195

Similarities to the A X B Analysis............................................................... 195


Contrasts, Special and Otherwise........................................................................... 197

Definition................................................................................................... 197

Sets of Contrasts....................................................................................... 198

Orthogonal Contrasts..................................................................... 198

Non-orthogonal Contrasts............................................................. 199

Sets of Orthogonal Contrasts......................................................... 199

Finding Sets of Orthogonal  Contrasts............................................ 199

The Data................................................................................................... 201

SPSS commands....................................................................................... 202

The Analysis.............................................................................................. 202

The Table of Means....................................................................... 202

The ANOVA table........................................................................ 203

Interpretation of Output............................................................................. 203

Constants.................................................................................................. 203

Contrasts, Designs, and Effects.................................................................. 205

Non-Orthogonal Contrasts........................................................................ 208

Smaller than Total Sum of Squares................................................. 208

Larger than Total Sum of Squares.................................................. 209

Standard Types of Orthogonal Contrasts.................................................... 209

DIFFERENCE.............................................................................. 210

SIMPLE....................................................................................... 210

POLYNOMIAL........................................................................... 210

Conclusion................................................................................................ 213


ANOVA and Multiple Regression.......................................................................... 214

ONE FACTOR ANOVA......................................................................... 214

ANOVA and Multiple Regression.................................................. 214

Example........................................................................................ 215

Example Using Contrasts............................................................... 216

Dummy Coding............................................................................. 216

ANOVA, Revisited....................................................................... 218

TWO FACTOR ANOVA........................................................................ 219

Example........................................................................................ 220

Example Using Contrasts............................................................... 220

Regression Analysis using Dummy Coding...................................... 221

Conclusion................................................................................................ 223


Unequal Cell Frequencies...................................................................................... 225

Equal Cell Frequency - Independence of Effects......................................... 225

Unequal Cell Frequency - Dependent Effects............................................. 226

Solutions for Dealing with Dependent Effects.............................................. 229


REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF UNEQUAL N ANOVA........................ 234

RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................... 237


Subjects Crossed With Treatments  S X A............................................................. 238

The Design................................................................................................ 238

The Data................................................................................................... 239

SPSS commands....................................................................................... 239

The Correlation Matrix.................................................................. 240

The Table of Means....................................................................... 240

Graphs.......................................................................................... 241

The ANOVA Table....................................................................... 241

Interpretation of Output................................................................. 242

Additional Assumptions for Univariate S X A Designs................................ 244

SS, MS, and Expected Mean Squares (EMS)................................ 245


Subjects Crossed With Two Treatments -S X A X B............................................. 249

The Design................................................................................................ 249

The Data................................................................................................... 249

SPSS commands....................................................................................... 250

The Correlation Matrix.................................................................. 251

The Table of Means....................................................................... 251

Graphs.......................................................................................... 253

The ANOVA Table....................................................................... 253

Interpretation of Output................................................................. 253

Additional Assumptions for Univariate S X A X B Designs......................... 258

SS, MS, and Expected Mean Squares (EMS)................................ 258


Mixed Designs - S ( A ) X B................................................................................. 261

The Design................................................................................................ 261

The Data................................................................................................... 261

SPSS commands....................................................................................... 262

The Table of Means....................................................................... 263

Graphs.......................................................................................... 264

Interpretation of Output................................................................. 264

Expected Mean Squares (EMS).................................................... 267


Three Factor ANOVA.......................................................................................... 268

Effects....................................................................................................... 268

Main Effects.................................................................................. 269

Two-Way Interactions................................................................... 269

Three-Way Interaction................................................................... 271

Additional Examples.................................................................................. 272

All Effects Significant..................................................................... 272

 Example 3 - B, AC, and BC......................................................... 274

Two More Examples..................................................................... 275

Expected Mean Squares............................................................................ 276

Tests of Significance.................................................................................. 279

Error Terms................................................................................... 279

SPSS Output................................................................................. 279

Examples................................................................................................... 279

S ( A X B X C)............................................................................. 279

S ( A X B ) X C............................................................................ 280

S ( A ) X B X C............................................................................ 280


BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................. 287


INDEX................................................................................................................. 289










Experimental design refers to the manner in which the experiment was set up. Experimental design includes the way the treatments were administered to subjects, how subjects were grouped for analysis, how the treatments and grouping were combined. 


In ANOVA there is a single dependent variable or score.  In Psychology the dependent measure is usually some measure of behavior.  If more than one measure of behavior is taken, multivariate analysis of variance, or MANOVA, may be the appropriate analysis.  Because the ANOVA model breaks the score into component parts, or effects, which sum the total score, the one must assume the interval property of measurement for this variable.  Since in real life the interval property is never really met, one must be satisfied that at least an approximation of an interval scale exists for the dependent variable.  To the extent that this assumption is unwarranted, the ANOVA hypothesis testing procedure will not work.


In ANOVA there is at least one independent variable or factor.  There are different kinds of factors;  treatment, trial, blocking, and group.  Each will be discussed in the following section.  All factors, however, have some finite number of different levels.  Each level is the same in either some quality or quantity.   The only restriction on the number of levels is that there are fewer levels than scores, although in practice one seldom sees more than ten levels in a factor unless the data set is very large.  It is not necessary that the independent variables or factors be measured on an interval scale.  If the factors are measured on an (approximate) interval scale, then some flexibility in analysis is gained.  The continued popularity of ANOVA can partially be explained by the lack of the necessity of the interval assumption for the factors.




Every writer of an introductory, intermediate, or advanced statistics text has his or her own pet notational system.  I have taught using a number of different systems and have unabashedly borrowed the one to be described below from Lee (1975).  In my opinion it is the easiest for students to grasp.


The dependent variable or score will be symbolized by the letter X.  Subscripts (usually multiple) will be tagged on this letter to differentiate the different scores.  For example, to designate a single score from a group of scores a single subscript would be necessary and the symbol Xs could be used.  In this case X1 would indicate the first subject, X2 the second, X3 the third, and so forth.


When it is desired to indicate a single score belonging to a given combination of factors, multiple subscripts must be used.  For example, Xabs would describe a given score for a combination of a and b.  Thus, X236 would describe the sixth score when a=2 and b=3.  Another example, X413, would describe the third score when a=4 and b=1.


Bolded capital letters will be used to symbolize factors.  Example factors are A, B, C, ..., Z.  Some factor names are reserved for special factors.  For example, S will always refer to  the subject factor, E will always be the error factor, and G will be the group factor.


Small letters with a numerical subscript are used to indicate specific levels of a factor.  For example c1 will indicate the first level of factor C, while cc will indicate a specific level of factor C, but the level is unspecified.  The number of levels of a factor are given by the unbolded capital letter of that factor.  For example there are 1, 2, ..., C  levels of factor C.


In an example experiment, let X, the score, be the dollar amount after playing WindowsTM Solitaire for an hour.  In this experiment the independent variable (factor) is the amount of practice, called factor A.  Let nine subjects each participate in one of four (A=4) levels of training.  The first level, a1, consists on no practice, a2 = one hour of practice, a3 = five hours of practice, and a4 = twenty hours of practice.  A given score (dollar amount) would be symbolized by Xas, where X35 would be the fifth subject in the group that received five hours of practice.


Kinds of Factors




Treatments will be defined as quantitatively or qualitatively different levels of experience.  For example, in an experiment on the effects of caffeine, the treatment levels might be exposure to different amounts of caffeine, from none to .0375 milligrams.  In a very simple experiment there are two levels of treatment, none, called the control condition, and some, called the experimental condition. 


Treatment factors are usually the main focus of the experiment.  A treatment factor is characterized by the following two attributes (Lee, 1975):


1.         An investigator could assign any of his experimental subjects to any one of the levels of the factor.


2.         The different levels of the factor consist of explicitly distinguishable stimuli or situations in the environment of the subject.


In the solitaire example, practice time would be a treatment factor if the experimenter controlled the amount of time that the subject practiced.  If subject's came to the experiment having already practiced a given amount, then the experimenter could not arbitrarily or randomly assign that subject to a given practice level.  In that case the factor would no longer be considered a treatment factor.


In an experiment where subjects are run in groups, it sometimes is valuable to treat each group as a separate level of a factor.  There might be, for example, an obnoxious subject who affects the scores of all other subjects in that group.  In this case the second attribute would not hold and the factor would be called a group factor.



Group Factors


As described above, a group factor is one in which the subjects are arbitrarily assigned to a given group which differs from other groups only in that different subjects are assigned to it.  If each group had some type of distinguishing feature, other than the subjects assigned to it, then it would no longer be considered as a group factor.  If a group factor exists in an experimental design, it will be symbolized by G.


Trials Factors


If each subject is scored more than once under the same condition and the separate scores are included in the analysis, then a trials factor exists.  If the different scores for a subject are found under different levels of a treatment, then the factor would be called a treatment factor rather than a trials factor.  Trials factors will be denoted by T.


Trials factors are useful in examining practice or fatigue effects.  Any change in scores over time may be attributed to having previously experienced similar conditions.




If subjects are grouped according to some pre-existing  subject similarity, then that grouping is called a blocking factor.  The experimenter has no choice but to assign the subject to one or the other of the levels of a blocking factor.  For example, gender (sex) is often used as a blocking factor.  A subject enters the experiment as either a male or female and the experimenter may not arbitrarily (randomly) assign that individual to one gender or the other.


Because the experimenter has no control over the assignment of subjects to a blocking factor, causal inference is made much more difficult.  For example, if in the solitaire experiment, the practice factor was based on a pre-existing condition, then any differences between the groups may be due either to practice or to the fact that some subjects liked to play solitaire, were better at the game and thus practiced more.  Since the subjects are self-selected, it is not possible to attribute the differences between groups to practice, enjoyment of the game, natural skill in playing the game, or some other reason.  It is possible, however, to say that the groups differed.


Even though causal inference is not possible, blocking factor can be useful.  A factor which  accounts for differences in the scores adds power to the experiment.  That is, a blocking factor which explains some of the differences between scores may make it more likely to find treatment effects.  For example,  if males and females performed significantly different in the solitaire experiment, it might be useful to include sex as a blocking factor because differences due to gender would be included in the error variance otherwise.


In other cases blocking factors are interesting in their own right.  It may be interesting to know that freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors differ in attitude toward university authority, even though causal inferences may not be made.


In some cases the pre-existing condition is quantitative, as in an IQ score or weigh.  In these cases it is possible to use a median split where the scores above the median are placed in one group and the scores below the median are placed in another.  Variations of this procedure divide the scores into three, four, or more approximately equal sized groups.  Such procedures are not recommended as there are better ways of handling such data (Edwards, 1985).


Unit Factors


The unit factor is the entity from which a score is taken.  In experimental psychology, the unit factor is usually a subject (human or animal), although classrooms, dormitories, or other units may serve the same function.  In this text, the unit factor will be designated as S, with the understanding that it might be some other type of unit than subject.


Error Factors


The error factor, designated as E, is not a factor in the sense of the previous factors and is not included in the experimental design.  It is necessary for future theoretical development.


Fixed and Random Factors


Each factor in the design must be classified as either a fixed or random factor.  This is necessary in order to find the correct error term for each effect.  The MANOVA program in SPSS does not require that the user designate the type for each factor.  If the user is willing to accept the program defaults, which are correct in most cases, no problem is encountered.  There are situations, however, where the program defaults are incorrect and additional coding is necessary to do the correct hypothesis tests.


Fixed Factors


A factor is fixed if  (Lee, 1975)


1.         The results of the factor generalize only to the levels that were included in the experimental design.  The experimenter may wish to generalize to other levels not included in the factor, but it is done at his or her own peril.


2.         Any procedure is allowable to select the levels of the factor.


3.         If the experiment were replicated, the same levels of that factor would be included in the new experiment.


Random Factors


A factor is random if


1.         The results of the factor generalize to both levels that were included in the factor and levels which were not.  The experimenter wishes to generalize to a larger population of possible factor levels.


2.         The levels of the factor used in the experiment were selected by a random procedure.


3.         If the experiment were replicated, different levels of that factor would be included in the new experiment.


In many cases an exact determination of whether a factor is fixed or random is not possible.  In general, the subjects (S) and groups (G) factors will always be a random factor and all other factors will be considered fixed.  The default designation of MANOVA will set the subjects factor as random and all other factors as fixed.


Some reflection on the assumption of a random selection of subjects may cause the experimenter to question whether it is in fact a random factor.  Suppose, as often happens, subjects volunteered to participate in the experiment.  In this case the assumptions underlying the ANOVA are violated, but the procedure is used anyway.  Seldom, if ever, will all the assumptions necessary to do an ANOVA be completely satisfied.  The experimenter must examine how badly the assumptions were violated and then make a decision as to whether or not the ANOVA is useful.

In general, when in doubt as to whether a factor is fixed or random, consider it fixed.  One should never have so much doubt, however, as to consider the subjects factor as a fixed factor.


Relationships Between Factors


The following two relationships between factors describe a large number of useful designs.  Not all possible experimental designs fit neatly into categories described by the following two relationships, but most do.




When two factors are crossed, each level of each factor appears with each level of the other factor.  A crossing relationship is indicated by an "X". 


For example, consider two factors, A and B, were A is gender (a1 = Females, a2 = Males) and B is practice (b1 = none, b2 = one hour, b3 = five hours, and b4 = twenty hours).  If gender was crossed with practice, A X B, then both males and females would participate in all four levels of practice.  There would be eight groups of subjects including:  ab11, females who had no practice, ab12, females who had one hour of practice, and so forth to ab24, males who practiced twenty hours.  An additional factor may be added to the design, say handedness (C), where c1 = right handed and c2 = left handed.  If the design of the experiment was A X B X C, then there would be sixteen groups, including abc231, left-handed males who practiced five hours.


If subjects (S) are crossed with treatments (A), S X A, each subject sees each level of the treatment conditions.  In a very simple experiment such as the effects of caffeine on alertness (A), each subject would be exposed to both a caffeine condition (a1) and a no caffeine condition (a2).  For example, using the members of a statistics class as subjects, the experiment might be conducted as follows.  On the first day of the experiment the class is divided in half with one half of the class getting coffee with caffeine and the other half getting coffee without caffeine.  A measure of alertness is taken for each individual, such as the number of yawns during the class period.  On the second day the conditions are reversed, that is, the individuals who received coffee with caffeine are now given coffee without and vice-versa. 


The distinguishing feature of crossing subjects with treatments is that each subject will have more than one score.  This feature is sometimes used in referring to this class of designs as repeated measures designs.  The effect also occurs within each subject, thus these designs are sometimes referred to as within subjects designs. 


Crossing subjects with treatments has two advantages.  One, they generally require fewer subjects, because each subject is used a number of times in the experiment.  Two, they are more likely to result in a significant effect, given the effects are real.  This is because the effects of individual differences between subjects is partitioned out of the error term.


Crossing subjects with treatments also has disadvantages.  One, the experimenter must be concerned about carry-over effects.  For example, individuals not used to caffeine may still feel the effects of caffeine on the second day, when they did not receive the drug.  Two, the first measurements taken may influence the second.  For example, if the measurement of interest was score on a statistics test, taking the test once may influence performance the second time the test is taken.  Three, the assumptions necessary when more than two treatment levels are employed in a crossing subjects with treatments  may be restrictive. 


When a factor is a blocking factor, it is not possible to cross that factor with subjects.  It is difficult to find subjects for a S X A design where A is gender.  I generally will take points off if a student attempts such a design.




Factor B is said to be nested within factor if each meaningful level of factor B occurs in conjunction with only one level of A.  This relationship is symbolized a B(A), and is read as "B nested within A".  Note that B(A) is considerably different from A(B).  In the latter, each meaningful level of A would occur in one and only one level of B.   These types of  designs are also designated as hierarchical designs in some textbooks.


A B(A) design occurs, for example, when the first three levels of factor B (b1 ,b3, and b3) appear only under level a1 of factor A and the next three levels of B  (b4 ,b5, and b6)  appear only under level a2 of factor A.  Depending upon the labelling scheme, b4 ,b5, and b6 may also be called b1 ,b3, and b3, respectively.  It is understood by the design designation that the b1 occurring under a1 is different from the b1 occurring under a2.


Nested or hierarchical designs can appear because many aspects of society are organized  hierarchically.  For example within the university, classes (sections) are nested within courses, courses are nested within departments, departments within colleges, and colleges within the university.. 


In experimental research it is also possible to nest treatment conditions within other treatment conditions.  For example, suppose a researcher was interested in the effect of diet on health in hamsters.  One factor (A) might be a high cholesterol (a1) or low cholesterol (a2) diet.  A second factor (B) might be type of food, peanut butter (b1), cheese (b2), red meat (b3), chicken (b4), fish (b5), or vegetables(b6).  Because type of food may be categorized as being either high or low in cholesterol, a B(A) experimental design would result.  Chicken, fish, and vegetables would be relabelled as b1 ,b3, and b3, respectively, but it would be clear from the experimental design specification that peanut butter and chicken, cheese and fish, and red meat and vegetables, were qualitatively different, even though they all share the same label.


While any factor may possibly be nested within any other factor, the critical nesting relationship is with respect to subjects.  If S is nested within some combination of other factors, then each subjects appear under one, and only one, combination of factors within which they are nested.  These effects are often called the Between Subjects effects.   If S is crossed with come combination of other factors, then each subject see all combinations of factors with which they are crossed.  These effects are referred to as Within Subjects effects.


As mentioned earlier subjects are necessarily nested within blocking factors.  Subjects are necessarily nested within the effects of gender and current religious preference, for example.


Treatment factors, however, may be nested or crossed with subjects.  The effect of caffeine on alertness could be studied by dividing the subjects into two groups, with one receiving a beverage with caffeine and one group not.  This design would nest subjects with caffeine and be specified as S(A), or simply A, as the S is often dropped when the design is completely between subjects. 


If subjects appeared under both caffeine conditions, receiving caffeine on one day and no caffeine on the other, then subjects would be crossed with caffeine.  The design would be specified as S X A.  In this case the S would remain in the design.


An Example Design


A psychologist (McGuire, 1993) was interested in studying adults' memory for medical information presented by a videotape.  She included one-hundred and four participants in which sixty-seven  ranged in age from 18 to 44 years and thirty seven ranged in age from 60 to 82 years.  Participants were randomly assigned to one of two conditions, either an organized presentation condition or an unorganized  presentation condition.  Following observation of the videotape, each participant completed an initial recall sequence consisting of free-recall and probed recall retrieval tasks.   A probed recall is like a multiple-choice test and a free-recall is like an essay test.  Following a one-week interval, participants completed the recall sequence again.


This experimental design provides four factors in addition to subjects (S).  The age factor (A) has two level a1=young and a2=old and would necessarily be a blocking factor.  The type of videotape factor (B) would be a treatment factor and would consist of two levels b1=organized and b2=unorganized.  The recall method factor (C) would be a form of trials factor and would have two levels c1=free-recall and c2=probed recall.  The forth factor (D) would be another trials factor where d1=immediate and d2=one week delay.


Each level of B appears with each level of A, thus A is crossed with B.  Since each subject appears in one and only one combination of A and B, subjects are nested within A X B.  That is, each subject is either young or old and sees either an organized or unorganized videotape.  The design notation thus far would be S ( A X B ).


Each type of recall (C) was done by each subject at both immediate and delayed intervals (D).  Thus subjects would be crossed with recall method and interval.  The complete design specification would be S ( A X B ) X C X D.   In words this design would be subjects nested within A and B and crossed with C and D.


In preparation for entering the data into a data file, the design could be viewed in a different perspective.  Listing each subject as a row and each measure as a column, the design would appear as follows:


     Immediate   Week Later

Age      Videotape        Subject Free     Probed                Free       Probed



Organized         S2

Young              ...

Unorganized     S1



Organized         S2                    

Old                              ...

Unorganized     S1



In this design, two variables would be needed.  One  to classify each subjects as either young or old, and one to document which type of videotape the subject saw.  In addition to the classification variables, each subject would require four variables to record the two types of measures taken at the two different times.


A score taken from the design presented above could be represented as Xabscd.  For example, the immediate probed test score taken from the third subject in the old group who viewed an organized videotape would be X21312.


A Second Example Design


The Lombard effect is a phenomenon in which a speaker or singer involuntarily raises his or her vocal intensity in the presence of high levels of sound.  In a study of the Lombard effect in choral singing (modified from Tonkinson, 1990), twenty-seven subjects, some experienced choral singers and some not,  were asked to sing the national anthem along with a choir heard through headphones.  The performances were recorded and vocal intensity readings from three selected places in the song were obtained from a graphic level recorder chart.   Each subject sang the song four times:  with a none, or a soft, medium, or loud choir accompaniment.  After some brief instructions to resist increasing vocal intensity as the choir increased, each subject again sang the national anthem four times with the four different accompaniments.  The order of accompaniments was counterbalanced over subjects.


In this design, there would be four factors in addition to subjects.  Subjects would be nested within experience level (A), with a1=inexperienced and a2=experienced choral singers.   This factor would be a blocking factor.   Subjects would be crossed with instructions (B), where b1=no instructions and b2=resist Lombard effect.  In addition, subjects would be crossed with accompaniment (C) and place in song  (D).  The accompaniment factor would include four levels c1=soft, c2=medium, c3=loud, and c4=none.  This factor would be considered a treatment factor.  The place in song factor could be considered a trial factor and would have three levels.


The experimental design could be written as S ( A ) X B X C X D.  In words, subjects were nested within experience level and crossed with instructions, accompaniment, and place in song.  In this design, one variable would be needed for the classification of each subject and twenty-four variables would be needed for each subject, one for each combination of instructions, accompaniment, and place in song.  The design could be written:


               No Instructions                   Resist Lombard Effect

        Soft  Medium  Loud   None   Soft  Medium  Loud   None  

Exp  S  1 2 3  1 2 3  1 2 3  1 2 3  1 2 3  1 2 3  1 2 3  1 2 3

 1   1

 1   2


 2   1

 2   2



A Third Example Design


From the Springfield News-Leader, March 1, 1993:


Images of beauty such at those shown by Sports Illustrated's annual swimsuit issue, are harmful to the self-esteem of all women and contribute to the number of eating disorder cases in the U. S., says a St. Louis professor who researches women's health issues.


In a recent study at Washington University, two groups of women - one with bulimia and one without - watched videotapes of SI models in swimsuits.


Afterwards, both groups reported a more negative self-image than they did before watching the tape, describing themselves as "feeling fat and flabby" and "feeling a great need to diet."


The experiment described above has a number of inadequacies, the lack of control conditions being the most obvious.  The original authors, unnamed in the article, may have designed a much better experiment than is described in the popular press.  In any case, this experiment will now be expanded to illustrate a complex experimental design.

The dependent measure, apparently a rating of "feeling fat and flabby" and "feeling a great need to diet", will be retained.  In addition, two neutral questions will be added, say "feeling anxious" and "feeling good about the environment."  These four statements will be rated by all subjects, thus subjects will be crossed with ratings.  The first two statements deal with body image and diet and the last two do not, thus they will form a factor in the design (called D).  Since the statements within each of body image factor share no similarity across levels of D, these statements (A) are nested within D. For example, the rating of "feeling a great need to diet" and "feeling good about the environment" share no qualitative relationship.  At this point the design may be specified as S X A(D).


Suppose the researcher runs the subjects in groups of six to conserve time and effort, thus creating a groups (G) factor.   In addition to the two groups, with bulimia and without (B), suppose the subjects viewed one of the following videotapes (V):  SI models, Rosanne Barr, or a show about the seals of the great northwest.  Assuming that all the subjects in each level of group either had bulimia or did not, then the design could be specified as


S(G(B X V)).


The factor B is crossed with V because each level of B appears with each level of V.  That is, subjects with and without bulimia viewed all three videotapes.  Because each group viewed only a single videotape and was composed of subjects either with bulimia or without, the groups factor is nested within the cross of B and V.  Because subjects appeared in only one group, subjects are nested within groups.


Combining the between subjects effects, S(G(B X V)), and the within subjects effects, A(D), yields the complete design specification


S(G(B X V)) X A(D).




Determining the Number of Subjects and Measures per Subject


It is important to be able to determine the number of subjects and the number of measures per subject for practical reasons, namely, is the experiment feasible?  After listening to a student propose an experiment and a little figuring, I remarked "according to my calculations, you should be able to complete the experiment sometime near the middle of the next century."  If an experimenter is limited in the time a subject is available, then the number of measures per subject is another important consideration.


To determine the number of subjects, multiply the number of levels of the between subjects factor together.  In the previous example, S = 6 because the subjects were run in groups of six.  Let G=4, or there be four groups of six each of combinations of bulimia and videotape.  Since there were two levels of bulimia, B=2, and three levels of videotape, V=3.  Since S(G(B X V)), then the total number of subjects needed would be S * G * B * V or 6*4*2*3 or 144.  Since half of the subjects must have bulimia, the question of whether or not 72 subjects with bulimia are available must be asked before the experiment proceeds.


To find the number of measures per subject, multiply the number of levels of the within subjects factors together.  In the previous example A(D), where A=2 and D=2, there would be A * D or 2 * 2 or 4 measures per subject.


Setting up the Data Matrix



         1   2   ...   C


Rows  2




A few rules simplify setting up the data matrix.  First, each subject appears on a single row of the data matrix.  Second, each measure or combination of within subjects factors appears in a column of data.  Third, each subject must be identified as to the combination of between subjects factors which he or she appears.


 1 1 1 3 5 4 3

 1 1 1 2 5 5 3

 1 1 1 5 5 5 4

 1 1 1 3 2 1 3

 1 1 1 2 5 3 1

 1 1 1 3 5 4 3

 2 1 1 5 4 5 5


 4 2 3 3 5 5 4

In the previous example, since there would be 144 subjects in the experiment, there would be 144 rows of data.  Each subject would be identified as to the level of  G, B, and V to which she belonged.  For example, a subject who appeared under g3 of b1 and v4 would be labelled as 3 1 4.   Since there are four measures per subject, these would appear as columns in addition to the identifiers.  An example data matrix might appear as follows.  In this example, the level of G is in the first column, B in the second, and V in the third.  The four combinations of within subjects factors appear next as ad11 ad12 ad12 ad22.


A Note of Caution


It is fairly easy to design complex experiments.  Running the experiments and interpreting the results are a different matter.  Many complex experiments are never completed because of such difficulties.  This is from personal experience.






                One Between Group ANOVA


Why Multiple Comparisons Using t-tests is NOT the Analysis of Choice


  Group   Therapy Method      _     SX        SX˛

    1       Reality         20.53   3.45   11.9025

    2       Behavior        16.32   2.98    8.8804

    3       Psychoanalysis  10.39   5.89   35.7604

    4       Gestalt         24.65   7.56   57.1536

    5       Control         10.56   5.75   33.0625


Suppose a researcher has performed a study of the effectiveness of various methods of individual therapy.  The methods used were:  Reality Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Psychoanalysis, Gestalt Therapy, and, of course, a control group.  Twenty patients were randomly assigned to each group.  At the conclusion of the study, changes in self-concept were found for each patient.  The purpose of the study was to determine if one method was more or less effective than the other methods.


At the conclusion of the experiment the researcher organizes the collected data in the following manner:


The researcher wishes to compare the means of the groups with each other to decide about the effectiveness of the therapy. 


One method of performing this analysis is by doing all possible t-tests, called multiple t-tests.  That is, Reality Therapy is first compared with Behavior Therapy, then Psychoanalysis, then Gestalt Therapy, then the Control Group.  Behavior Therapy is then individually compared with the last three groups, and so on.  Using this procedure there would be ten different t-tests performed.  Therein lies the difficulty with multiple t-tests.


First, because the number of t-tests increases geometrically as a function of the number of groups, analysis becomes cognitively difficult somewhere in the neighborhood of seven different tests.  An analysis of variance organizes and directs the analysis, allowing easier interpretation of results.


Secondly, by doing a greater number of analyses the probability of committing at least one type I error somewhere in the analysis greatly increases.  The probability of committing at least one type I error in an analysis is called the experiment-wise error rate. The researcher may desire to perform a fewer number of hypothesis tests in order to reduce the experiment-wise error rate.  The ANOVA procedure performs this function.


The Bottom Line - Results and Interpretation of ANOVA


Results of an ANOVA are usually presented in an ANOVA table.  This table contains  columns labelled "Source", "SS or Sum of Squares", "df - for degrees of freedom", "MS - for mean square", "F or F-ratio", and "p, prob,  probability, sig., or sig. of F".  The only columns that are critical for interpretation are the first and the last, the others are used mainly for intermediate computational purposes.


    Source       SS    df      MS      F    sig of F

  BETWEEN    5212.960   4   1303.240   4.354   .0108

  WITHIN     5986.400  20    299.320               

  TOTAL     11199.360  24


        An example of an ANOVA table appears below:


The row labelled "BETWEEN" under "Source", having a probability value associated with it, is the only one of any any great importance at this time.  The other rows are used mainly for computational purposes.  The researcher then would most probably first look at the value ".0108" located under the "sig of F" column. 


Of all the information presented in the ANOVA table, the major interest of the researcher will most likely be focused on the value located in the "sig of F." column.  If the number (or numbers) found in this column is (are) less than the critical value (α) set by the experimenter, then the effect is said to be significant.  Since this value is usually set at .05, any value less than this will result in significant effects, while any value greater than this value will result in nonsignificant effects.


If the effects are found to be significant using the above procedure, it implies that the means differ more than would be expected by chance alone.  In terms of the above experiment, it would mean that the treatments were not equally effective.  This table does not tell the researcher anything about what the effects were, just that there most likely were real effects.


If the effects are found to be nonsignificant, then the differences between the means are not great enough to allow the researcher to say that they are different.  In that case no further interpretation is attempted.


When the effects are significant, the means must then be examined in order to determine the nature of the effects.  There are procedures called "post-hoc tests" to assist the researcher in this task, but often the analysis is fairly evident simply by looking at the size of the various means.  For example, in the preceding analysis Gestalt and Reality Therapy were the most effective in terms of mean improvement.


In the case of significant effects, a graphical presentation of the means can sometimes assist in analysis.  For example, in the preceding analysis, the graph of mean values would appear as follows:





       The Sampling Distribution Reviewed


In order to explain why the above procedure may be used to simultaneously analyze a number of means, the following presents the theory on ANOVA in relation to the hypothesis testing approach discussed in earlier chapters.


First, a review of the sampling distribution is necessary.  If you have difficulty with this summary, please go back and read the more detailed chapter on the sampling distribution.


A sample is a finite number (N) of scores.  Sample statistics are numbers which describe the sample.  Example statistics are the mean (_), mode (Mo), median (Md), and standard deviation (sX). 


Probability models exist in a theoretical world where complete information is unavailable.  As such, they can never be known except in the mind of the mathematical statistician.  If an infinite number of infinitely precise scores were taken, the resulting distribution would be a probability model of the population.  Population models are characterized by parameters.  Two common parameters are µX and σX.


Sample statistics are used as estimators of the corresponding parameters in the population model.  For example, the mean and standard deviation of the sample are used as estimates of the corresponding population parameters µX and σX.


The sampling distribution is a distribution of a sample statistic.  It is a model of a distribution of scores, like the population distribution, except that the scores are not raw scores, but statistics.  It is a thought experiment; "what would the world be like if a person repeatedly took samples of size N from the population distribution and computed a particular statistic each time?"  The resulting distribution of statistics is called the sampling distribution of that statistic. 


        The sampling distribution of the mean is a special case of a sampling distribution.  It is a distribution of sample means, described with the parameters µ_  and σ_.  These parameters are closely related to the parameters of the population distribution, the relationship being described by the CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM.  The CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM essentially states that the mean of the sampling distribution of the mean (µ_) equals the mean of the population (µX) and that the standard error of the mean (σ_) equals the standard deviation of the population (σX) divided by the square root of N.  These relationships may be summarized as follows:


Two Ways of Estimating the Population Parameter σX˛


When the data have been collected from more than one sample, there exists two independent methods of estimating the population parameter σX˛, called respectively the between and the within method.  The collected data are usually first described with sample statistics as demonstrated in the following example:


 Group   Therapy Method      _      SX        SX˛


   1       Reality         20.53   3.45   11.9025

   2       Behavior        16.32   2.98    8.8804

   3       Psychoanalysis  10.39   5.89   35.7604

   4       Gestalt         24.65   7.56   57.1536

   5       Control         10.56   5.75   33.0625


           Mean            16.49          29.3519

           Variance        38.83         387.8340





Since each of the sample variances may be considered an independent estimate of the parameter σX˛, finding the mean of the variances provides a method of combining the separate estimates of σX˛ into a single value.  The resulting statistic is called the MEAN SQUARES WITHIN, often represented by MSW.  It is called the within method because it computes the estimate by combining the variances within each sample.  In the above example, the Mean Squares Within would be equal to 29.3519.




The parameter σX˛ may also be estimated by comparing the means of the different samples, but the logic is slightly less straightforward and employs both the concept of the sampling distribution and the Central Limit Theorem. 


Sampling Distribution             Actual Data


                       _                            _

                       _                            _

                       _                            _

                       .                              _

                       .                              _



Mean             µ_                          __

Variance       σ_˛                         s_˛

First, the standard error of the mean squared (σ_˛) is the population variance of a distribution of sample means.  In real life in the situation where there is more than one sample, the variance of the sample means may be used as an estimate of the standard error of the mean squared (σ_˛).  This is analogous to the situation where the variance of the sample (sX˛) is used as an estimate of σ_˛.  The relationship is demonstrated below:


In this case the Sampling Distribution consists of an infinite number of means and the real life data consists of A (in this case 5) means.  The computed statistic s_˛ is thus an estimate of the theoretical parameter σ_˛.


        The relationship expressed in the Central Limit Theorem may now be used to obtain an estimate of σ˛.


 Thus the variance of the population may be found by multiplying the standard error of the mean squared (σ_˛) by N, the size of each sample.


Since the variance of the means, s_˛, is an estimate of the standard error of the mean squared, σ_˛, the variance of the population, σX˛, may be estimated by multiplying the size of each sample, N, by the variance of the means.  This value is called the Mean Squares Between and is often symbolized by MSB.  The computational procedure for MSB is presented below:


MSB = N * s_˛



MSB = N * s_˛

MSB = 20 * 38.83

MSB = 776.60

The expressed value is called the Mean Squares Between because it uses the variance between the samples, that is the sample means, to compute the estimate.  Using the above procedure on the example data yields:


At this point it has been established that there are two methods of estimating σX˛, Mean Squares Within and Mean Squares Between.  It could also be demonstrated that these estimates are independent.  Because of this independence, when both are computed using the same data, in almost all cases different values will result.  For example, in the presented data MSW=29.3519 while MSB=776.60.  This difference provides the theoretical background for the F-ratio and ANOVA. 


 The F-ratio and F-distribution


        A new statistic, called the F-ratio is computed by dividing the MSB by MSW.  This is illustrated below:


 Fobs =  MSB / MSW 





Using the example data described earlier the computed F-ratio becomes:


              Fobs =  MSB / MSW

              Fobs =  776.60 / 29.3519

              Fobs =  26.4582


The F-ratio can be thought of as a measure of how different the means are relative to the variability within each sample.  The larger this value, the greater the likelihood that the differences between the means are due to something other than chance alone, namely real effects.  The size of the F-ratio necessary to make a decision about the reality of effects is the next topic of discussion.


If the difference between the means means is due only to chance, that is, there are no real effects, then the expected value of the F-ratio would be one (1.00).  This is true because both the numerator and the denominator of the F-ratio are estimates of the same parameter, σX˛.  Seldom will the F-ratio be exactly equal to 1.00, however, because the numerator and the denominator are estimates rather than exact, known values.  Therefore, when there are no effects the F-ratio will sometimes be greater than one, and other times less than one.


To review, the basic procedure used in hypothesis testing is that a model is created in which the experiment is repeated an infinite number of times when there are no effects.  A sampling distribution of a statistic is used as the model of what the world would look like if there were no effects.  The results of the experiment, a statistic, is compared with what would be expected given the model of no effects was true.  If the computed statistic is unlikely given the model, then the model is rejected along with the hypothesis that there were no effects. 


In an ANOVA the F-ratio is the statistic used to test the hypothesis that the effects are real, in other words, that the means are significantly different from one another.  Before the details of the hypothesis test may be presented, the sampling distribution of the F-ratio must be discussed.


If  the experiment were repeated an infinite number of times, each time computing the F-ratio, and there were no effects, the resulting distribution could be described by the F-distribution.  The F-distribution is a theoretical probability distribution characterized by two parameters, df1 and df2, both of which affect the shape of the distribution.  Since the F-ratio must always be positive, the F-distribution is non-symmetrical, skewed in the positive direction.


Two examples of an F-distribution are presented below; the first with df1=1 and df2=5, and the second with df1=10 and df2=25. 


 The F-distribution has a special relationship to the t-distribution described earlier.  When df1=1, the F-distribution is equal to the t-distribution squared (F=t˛).  Thus the t-test and the ANOVA will always return the same decision when there are two groups.  That is, the t-test is a special case of ANOVA. 


 Non-significant and Significant F-ratios


        Theoretically, when there are no real effects, the F-distribution is an accurate model of the distribution of F-ratios.  The F-distribution will have the parameters df1=a-1 (where a-1 is the number of different groups minus one) and df2=a(N-1), where a is the number of groups and N is the number in each group. In this case an assumption is made that sample size is equal for each group. For example, if five groups of five subjects each were run in an experiment and there were no effects, then the F-ratios would be distributed with df1=k-1=5-1=4 and df2=k(n-1)=5(5-1)=5*4=20.  A visual representation of the preceding appears as follows:


The F-ratio in the above which cuts off various proportions of the distributions may be computed for different values of  α.  These F-ratios are called Fcrit values.  In the above example the Fcrit value for  α=.25 is 1.46, for  α=.10 results in a value of 2.25, for α=.05 the value is 2.87, and for α=.01 the value is 4.43.  These values are illustrated in the figure below:


When there are real effects, that is, the means of the groups are different due to something other than chance, then the F-distribution no longer describes the distribution of F-ratios.  In almost all cases the observed F-ratio will be larger than would be expected when there were no effects.  The rationale for this situation is presented below.


First, an assumption is made that any effects are an additive transformation of the score.  That is, the scores for each group can be modelled as a constant ( aa - the effect) plus error (eae).  The scores appear as follows:


                       Xae = aa + eae


where X is the score, aa is the treatment effect, and eae is the error.  The eea, or error, is different for each subject, while aa is constant within a given group.


As described in the chapter on transformations, an additive transformation changes the mean, but not the standard deviation or the variance.  Because the variance of each group is not changed by the nature of the effects, the Mean Square Within, as the mean of the variances, is not affected.  The Mean Square Between, as N time the variance of the means, will in most cases become larger because the variance of the means will most likely become larger. 


Imagine three individuals taking a test.  An instructor first finds the variance of the three score.  He or she then adds five points to one random individual and subtracts five from another random individual.  In most cases the variance of the three test score will increase, although it is possible that the variance could decrease if the points were added to the individual with the

     No effects              Real Effects

Group  Mean  Variance   Group    Mean    Variance

  1      µ      σ˛        1       µ + a1     σ˛

  2      µ      σ˛        2       µ + a2     σ˛

  3      µ      σ˛        3       µ + a3     σ˛

  4      µ      σ˛        4       µ + a4     σ˛

  5      µ      σ˛        5       µ + a5     σ˛

Mean     µ       σ˛                  µ       σ˛

Variance σ˛/N                     >σ˛/N

lowest score and subtracted from the individual with the highest score.  If the constant added and subtracted was 30 rather than 5, then the variance would almost certainly be increased.  Thus, the greater the size of the constant, the greater the likelihood of a larger increase in the variance.


        With respect to the sampling distribution, the model differs depending upon whether or not there are effects.  The difference is presented below:


 Since the MSB usually increases and MSW remains the same, the F-ratio (F=MSB/MSW) will most likely increase.  Thus, if there are real effects, then the F-ratio obtained from the experiment will most likely be larger than the critical level from the F-distribution.  The greater the size of the effects, the larger the obtained F-ratio is likely to become.


Thus, when there are no effects, the obtained F-ratio will be distributed as an F-distribution which may be specified.  If effects exist, then the obtained F-ratio will most likely become larger.  By comparing the obtained F-ratio with that predicted by the model of no effects, an hypothesis test may be performed to decide on the reality of effects.  If the obtained F-ratio is greater than the critical F-ratio, then the decision will be that the effects are real.  If not, then no decision about the reality of effects can be made.


Similarity of ANOVA and t-test


When the number of groups (A) equals two (2), an ANOVA and t-test will give similar results, with tCRIT˛=FCRIT and tOBS˛=FOBS.  This equality is demonstrated in the example below:


Given the following numbers for two groups:                                             


Mean    Variance

     Group 1 - 12 23 14 21 19 23 26 11 16    18.33     28.50

     Group 2 - 10 17 20 14 23 11 14 15 19    15.89     18.11


Computing the t-test


     s_1-_2 = Ö (s1˛ + s2˛)/ 9 = Ö (28.50 + 18.11)/9 =  Ö 5.18 = 2.28

     tOBS = ( _1-_2 ) / s_1-_2 = 18.33 - 15.89 / 2.28 = 1.07

     t(df=16) = 2.12        for α=.05 and two-tailed test


Computing the ANOVA


     MSBETWEEN = N * s_˛ = 9 * 2.9768 = 26.7912

     MSWITHIN  = Mean of the Variances = ( 28.50 + 18.11 ) / 2 = 23.305


     F(1,16) = 4.41         for α=.05 - two-tailed test is assumed


Comparing the results


     tOBS˛ = 1.1449      FOBS  = 1.1449

     t(16)˛  = 4.49        F(1,16) = 4.49


The differences between the predicted and observed results can be attributed to rounding error (close enough for government work). 


Because the t-test is a special case of the ANOVA and will always yield similar results, most researchers perform the ANOVA because the technique is much more powerful in complex experimental designs.





                                               MEAN VARIANCE

     7 7 5 4 2 7 5 4 1 7 5 6 7 6 3 5 2 5 1 4   4.65   4.03

     6 9 3 6 9 4 9 8 9 3 4 4 7 2 2 7 7 7 9 3   5.90   6.52

     5 5 2 5 6 2 3 3 6 8 2 1 1 2 5 7 9 6 5 7   4.50   5.63

     4 1 4 8 9 5 2 8 6 8 2 9 6 6 7 8 4 3 1 4   5.25   6.93

     3 6 1 2 3 5 8 4 1 5 4 5 6 9 4 2 4 8 9 3   4.60   6.04 


Computing the ANOVA


    MSBETWEEN = N * s_˛ = 20 * .351 = 7.015

    MSWITHIN  = Mean of the Variances = 5.83


    F(4,95) = 2.53  for α=.05 - non-directional test is assumed



        Given the following data for five groups, perform an ANOVA:


Since the FCRIT is greater than the FOBS, the means are not significantly different and no effects are said to be discovered.




Given the following data for five groups, perform an ANOVA.  Note that the numbers are similar to the previous example except that one has been subtracted from all scores in Group 3 and one has been added to all scores in Group 4.


In this case the FOBS is greater than FCRIT, thus the means are significantly different and we decide that the effects are real.


1 23

1 31

1 25

1 29

1 30

1 28

1 31

1 31

1 33

2 32

2 28

2 36

2 34

2 41

2 35

2 32

2 28

2 31



                                                                                         MEAN VARIANCE

     7 7 5 4  2 7 5 4 1 7 5  6 7 6 3 5 2 5 1 4   4.65   4.03

     6 9 3 6  9 4 9 8 9 3 4  4 7 2 2 7 7 7 9 3   5.90   6.52

     4 4 1 4  5 1 2 2 5 7 1  0 0 1 4 6 8 5 4 6   3.50   5.63

     5 2 5 9 10 6 3 9 7 9 3 10 7 7 8 9 5 4 2 4   6.25   6.93

     3 6 1 2  3 5 8 4 1 5 4  5 6 9 4 2 4 8 9 3   4.60   6.04 


Computing the ANOVA


     MSBETWEEN = N * s_˛ = 20 * 1.226 = 24.515

     MSWITHIN  = Mean of the Variances = 5.83


     F(4,95) = 2.53    for α=.05 - two-tailed test is assumed


While an single factor between groups ANOVA may be done using the MEANS command in SPSS, the MANOVA command is a general purpose command which allows the statistician to do almost any type of multifactor univariate or multivariate ANOVA.


The Data


The data is entered into a data file containing two columns.  One column contains the level of the factor to which the observation belongs and the second the score for the dependent variable.  A third column containing the observation number, in the example a number from one to nine, is optional.  As in all SPSS data files, the number of rows in the data file corresponds to the number of subjects and each variable is lined up neatly in each row.  In the example data file presented to the right, there are two groups of nine each.  The level of the independent variable is given in the first column of the data file, a space is entered, and the dependent variable is entered in columns 3 and 4.







MANOVA X by A(1,2)




The RUN NAME command of the example program gives a general description of the purpose of the program.  The second command reads in the data file.  Note that the group factor is called "A" and the dependent variable is called "X".  The value label command then describes the different levels of the group variable.  The LIST command gives a description of the data as the computer understands it.


The MANOVA command is followed by the name of the dependent variable, here X, and the keyword BY .  The factor name "A" is then entered, followed by the the beginning and ending levels of that factor.  In this case there were only two levels, defined by a beginning value of "1", and an ending value of "2".  The second line on the command is preceded by a slash "/'" and then the subcommand PRINT=CELLINFO(MEANS).  This command will print the means of the respective groups.  The last subcommand, "/DESIGN" , is optional at this point, but not including it will generate a WARNING.  Nothing is altered with the WARNING, but it is not neat.



Example Output


The output produced by the example MANOVA command is presented on the next page.

The default error term in MANOVA has been changed from WITHIN CELLS to WITHIN+RESIDUAL.  Note that these are the same for all full factorial designs.


* * * * * * A n a l y s i s   o f   V a r i a n c e * * * * *


     18 cases accepted.

      0 cases rejected because of out‑of‑range factor values.

      0 cases rejected because of missing data.

      2 non‑empty cells.

      1 design will be processed.



 Cell Means and Standard Deviations

 Variable .. X

      FACTOR        CODE        Mean  Std. Dev.          N


  A                   1         29.000      3.202          9

  A                   2         33.000      4.093          9

 For entire sample              31.000      4.116         18


* * * * * * A n a l y s i s   o f   V a r i a n c e ‑‑ design  

 Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

 Source of Variation        SS    DF      MS       F  Sig of F


 WITHIN CELLS             216.00   16   13.50

 A                         72.00    1   72.00   5.33    .035


 (Model)                   72.00    1   72.00   5.33      .035

 (Total)                  288.00   17   16.94


 R‑Squared =           .250

 Adjusted R‑Squared =  .203

Note that the F-ratio was significant with a value of .03.  The means for the two  groups were 29 and 33 respectively.

Dot Notation


In order to simplify the notational system involving the summation sign, a notational system call dot notation has been introduced. Dot notation places a period in place of subscript to mean summation.  For example:

The symbol X. means that the variable X has been summed over whatever counter variable was used as a subscript.  In a like manner, if a bar is placed over a variable, it refers to a mean over the dotted counter variable(s).  For example:


where _. means the same thing as _. (The dot notation does become a bit tricky where real periods are involved.)


The real advantage is apparent when two or more subscripts are used.  For example




or if a=1 then




Using the same notational system, means may be given.  For example:


or if a=1 then

The difference between _a. and _1. is that the second is a special case of the first when a=1.


For example, if A=3, B=4 and X11=5, X12=8, X13=6, X14=9, X21=7, X22=10, X23=5, X24=9, X31=6, X32=4, X33=7, X34=3, then

X.. = 79,

_.. = 79/12 = 6.5833,

X1. = 28,

_1. = 28/4 = 7.


POST-HOC Tests of Significance


If the results of the ANOVA are significant, it indicates that there are real effects between the means of the groups.  The nature of the effects are not specified by the ANOVA.  For example, an effect could be significant because the mean of group three was larger than the means of the rest of the groups.  In another case, the means of groups one, four and five might be significantly smaller than the means of groups two, three, and six.  Often the pattern of results can be determined by a close examination of the means.  In other instances, the reason for the significant differences is not apparent.  To assist the statistician in interpreting effects in significant ANOVAs, post-hoc tests of significance were developed.


A post-hoc (after the fact) test of significance is employed only if the results of the overall significance test are significant.  A post-hoc test is basically a multiple t-test procedure with some attempt to control for the increase in the experiment wide error rate when doing multiple significance tests.  A number of different procedures are available to perform post-hoc tests differing in the means of control of the increase in error rates .  The different procedures include Duncan’s Multiple Range test, the Newman-Keuls procedure, and a procedure developed by Sheffe’.  The interested reader is referred to Winer (1971) or Hays (1981) for a thorough discussion of these methods.


My personal feeling is that post-hoc tests are not all that useful.  Most often, the reason for the significant results is obvious from a close observation of the means of the groups.  Better procedures are available using pre-planned contrasts to test patterns of results.  The use of pre-planned contrasts requires that the statistician have the type of comparisons in mind before doing the analysis.  This is the difference between data-driven (post-hoc) and theory-driven (pre-planned) analysis.  If a choice is possible, the recommendation is for theory-driven analysis.







TWO Between Groups ANOVA  (A x B)


The Design


In this design there are two independent factors, A and B, crossed with each other.  That is, each level of A appears in combination with each level of B.  Subjects are nested within the combined levels of A and B such that the full design would be written as S ( A X B  ).  Because the Subjects (S) term is confounded with the error term, it is dropped from the description of the design.


 A B     X


 1 1    23

 1 1    32

 1 1    25

 1 2    29

 1 2    30

 1 2    34

 1 3    31

 1 3    36

 1 3    33

 2 1    32

 2 1    26

 2 1    26

 2 2    34

 2 2    41

 2 2    35

 2 3    24

 2 3    27

 2 3    31

Suppose a statistics teacher gave an essay final to his class.  He randomly divides the classes in half such that half the class writes the final with a blue-book and half with notebook computers.  In addition the students are partitioned into three groups, no typing ability, some typing ability, and highly skilled at typing.  Answers written in blue-books will be transcribed to word processors and scoring will be done blindly.  Not with a blindfold, but the instructor will not know the method or skill level of the student when scoring the final.  The dependent measure will be the score on the essay part of the final exam.


The first factor  (A) will be called Method and will have two levels, a1=blue-book and a2 =  computer.  The second factor (B) will be designated as Ability and will have three levels:  b1=none, b2=some, and b3=lots.  Because each level of A appears with each level of B, A is said to be crossed with B (AXB).  Since different subjects will appear in each combination of A and B, subjects are nested within AXB.  Each subject will be measured a single time.  Any effects discovered will necessarily be between subjects or groups and hence the designation "between groups" designs.


The Data


The data file for the A X B design is similar to the data file for design A with the addition of the second descriptive variable, B, for each subject.  In the case of the example data, the A factor has two levels while the B factor has three.  The X variable is the score on the final exam.  The example data file appears in the text box on the right.


Example SPSS Program using MANOVA


The SPSS commands necessary to do the analysis for an A X B design are given in the text box below.


DATA LIST FILE='AXB DATA A' / A 3 B 6 X 15‑19.






     A 1 'BLUE‑BOOK' 2 'COMPUTER'/

     B 1 'NONE' 2 'SOME' 3 'LOTS'.


MANOVA X BY A (1,2) B (1,3)




Note that the DATA LIST command must read in a variable to code each factor.  In this case the variables were named A and B to correspond with the factor names, although in most real-life situations more descriptive names will be used.  The addition of the optional VALUE LABELS command will label the output from the PRINT CELLINFO(MEANS) command, making the output easier to interpret.


The MANOVA command is followed by the name of the dependent variable, in this case X and then the variable names of the factors.  As in the previous MANOVA commands, the factor names are each followed by the beginning and ending levels enclosed in parentheses.  In this case the A factor has two levels beginning at level 1 and the B factor has three.  The PRINT CELLINFO(MEANS) command is optional, but usually included because the means are the central focus of the analysis.  The DESIGN command is optional, but excluding it will generate a warning when the program is run, so it is usually included for the sake of neatness.


All of the analyses on the following pages were generated from the SPSS program presented above.  The program will not be included as part of the interpretation of the output.


Interpretation of  Output


  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR       CODE        Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A           BLUE‑BOO

    B           NONE           26.717      4.822          3     14.739     38.695

    B           SOME           30.923      2.418          3     24.916     36.930

    B           LOTS           33.277      2.157          3     27.919     38.634

   A           COMPUTER

    B           NONE           28.057      3.285          3     19.896     36.217

    B           SOME           36.627      3.413          3     28.148     45.106

    B           LOTS           27.080      3.673          3     17.955     36.205

  For entire sample            30.447      4.675         18     28.122     32.771

The interpretation of the output from the MANOVA command will focus on two parts:  the table of means and the ANOVA summary table.  The table of means is the primary focus of the analysis while the summary table directs attention to the interesting or statistically significant portions of the table of means.


A table of means generated using the example data and the PRINT CELLINFO(MEANS) subcommand in MANOVA is presented below:



Often the means are organized and presented in a slightly different manner than the form of the output from the MANOVA command.  The table of means may be rearranged and presented as follows:



    b1       b2   b3


  a1   26.72   30.92   33.28 30.31


  a2   28.06   36.62   27.08 30.58


   27.39    33.78   30.18   30.447


The means inside the boxes are called cell means, the means in the margins are called marginal means, and the number on the bottom right-hand corner is called the grand mean.  An analysis of  these means reveals that there is very little difference between the marginal means for the different levels of A across the levels of B (30.31 vs. 30.58).  The marginal means of B over levels of A are different (27.39 vs. 33.78 vs. 30.18) with the mean for b2 being the highest.  The cell means show an increasing pattern for levels of B at a1 (26.72 vs. 30.92 vs. 33.28) and a different pattern for levels of B at a2 (28.06 vs. 36.62 vs. 27.08). 


Graphs of Means



Graphs of means are often used to present information in a manner which is easier to comprehend than the tables of means.  One factor is selected for presentation as the X-axis and its levels are marked on that axis.  Separate lines are drawn the height of the mean for each level of the second factor.  In the following graph, the B, or keyboard experience, factor was selected for the X-axis and the A, or method, factor was selected for the different lines.  Presenting the information in an opposite fashion would be equally correct, although some graphs are more easily understood than others, depending upon the values for the means and the number of levels of each factor.  The second possible graph is presented below.  It is recommended that if there is any doubt that both versions of the graphs be attempted and the one which best illustrates the data be selected for inclusion into the statistical report.  It is hopefully obvious that the graph with B on the X-axis is easier to understand than the one with A on the X-axis.


Because the interpretation of the graph of the interaction depends upon the results of the analysis, the ANOVA summary table will now be presented.  Following this, the graph of the interaction will be reanalyzed.


The ANOVA Summary Table


The results of the A X B ANOVA are presented in the ANOVA summary table by MANOVA.  An example of this table is presented below:


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source             SS    DF      MS          F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS      139.36   12     11.61

  A                  .36    1       .36       .03      .863

  B               123.08    2     61.54      5.30      .022

 A BY B           108.73    2     54.36      4.68      .031


The items of primary interest in this table are the effects listed under the "Source" column and the values under the "Sig of F" column.  As in the previous hypothesis test, if the value of "Sig of F" is less than the value of α as set by the experimenter, then that effect is significant.  If α=.05, then the B main effect and the A BY B interaction would be significant in this table.


Main Effects


 Main effects are differences in means over levels of one factor collapsed over levels of the other factor.  This is actually much easier than it sounds.  For example, the main effect of A is simply the difference between the means of final exam score for the two levels of Method, ignoring or collapsing over experience.  As seen in the second method of presenting a table of means, the main effect of A is whether the two marginal means associated with the A factor are different.  In the example case these means were 30.31 and 30.58 and the differences between these means was not statistically significant.


As can be seen from the summary table, the main effect of B is significant.  This effect refers to the differences between the three marginal means associated with factor B.  In this case the values for these means were 27.39, 33.78, and 30.18 and the differences between them may be attributed to a real effect.


Simple Main Effects


A simple main effect is a main effect of one factor at a given level of a second factor.  In the example data it would be possible to talk about the simple main effect of B at a1.  That effect would be the difference between the three cell means at level a1 (26.72, 30.92, and 33.28).  One could also talk about the simple main effect of A at b3 (33.28 and 27.08).  Simple main effects are not directly tested in design A X B, however they are necessary to understand an interaction.


Interaction Effects


An interaction effect is a change in the simple main effect of one variable over levels of the second.  An AB or A BY B interaction is a change in the simple main effect of B over levels of A or the change in the simple main effect of A over levels of B.   In either case the cell means cannot be modelled simply by knowing the size of the main effects.  An additional set of parameters must be used to explain the differences between the cell means.  These parameters are collectively called an interaction.


The change in the simple main effect of one variable over levels of the other is most easily seen in the graph of the interaction.  If the lines describing the simple main effects are not parallel, then a possibility of an interaction exists.  As can be seen from the graph of the example data, the possibility of a significant interaction exists because the lines are not parallel.  The presence of an interaction was confirmed by the significant interaction in the summary table. 


The following graph overlays the main effect of B on the graph of the interaction.  Two things can be observed from this presentation.  The first is that the main effect of B is possibly significant, because the means are different heights.  Second, the interaction is possibly significant because the simple main effects of B at a1 and a2 are different from the main effect of B.


One method of understanding how main effects and interactions work is to observe a wide variety of data and data analysis.  With three effects, A, B, and AB, which may or may not be significant there are eight possible combinations of effects.  All eight are presented on the following pages. 


Example Data Sets, Means, and Summary Tables


No Significant Effects


  A B   X


 1 1  22

 1 1  24

 1 1  25

 1 2  26

 1 2  29

 1 2  23

 1 3  21

 1 3  25

 1 3  22

 2 1  21

 2 1  26

 2 1  25

 2 2  24

 2 2  20

 2 2  24

 2 3  23

 2 3  26

 2 3  20








 Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    23.667      1.528          3     19.872     27.461

    B               SOME                    26.000      3.000          3     18.548     33.452

    B               LOTS                    22.667      2.082          3     17.495     27.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    24.000      2.646          3     17.428     30.572

    B               SOME                    22.667      2.309          3     16.930     28.404

    B               LOTS                    23.000      3.000          3     15.548     30.452

  For entire sample                         23.667      2.401         18     22.473     24.861



  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                          3.56       1      3.56       .58      .462

  B                          7.00       2      3.50       .57      .581

  A BY B                    13.44       2      6.72      1.09      .367

Main Effect of A


A B   X


 1 1  32

 1 1  34

 1 1  35

 1 2  36

 1 2  39

 1 2  33

 1 3  31

 1 3  35

 1 3  32

 2 1  21

 2 1  26

 2 1  25

 2 2  24

 2 2  20

 2 2  24

 2 3  23

 2 3  26

 2 3  20








Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    33.667      1.528          3     29.872     37.461

    B               SOME                    36.000      3.000          3     28.548     43.452

    B               LOTS                    32.667      2.082          3     27.495     37.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    24.000      2.646          3     17.428     30.572

    B               SOME                    22.667      2.309          3     16.930     28.404

    B               LOTS                    23.000      3.000          3     15.548     30.452

  For entire sample                         28.667      6.078         18     25.644     31.689


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                        533.56       1    533.56     86.52      .000

  B                          7.00       2      3.50       .57      .581

  A BY B                    13.44       2      6.72      1.09      .367

Main Effect of B


 A B   X


 1 1  42

 1 1  44

 1 1  45

 1 2  36

 1 2  39

 1 2  33

 1 3  21

 1 3  25

 1 3  22

 2 1  41

 2 1  46

 2 1  45

 2 2  34

 2 2  30

 2 2  34

 2 3  23

 2 3  26

 2 3  20








  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    43.667      1.528          3     39.872     47.461

    B               SOME                    36.000      3.000          3     28.548     43.452

    B               LOTS                    22.667      2.082          3     17.495     27.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    44.000      2.646          3     37.428     50.572

    B               SOME                    32.667      2.309          3     26.930     38.404

    B               LOTS                    23.000      3.000          3     15.548     30.452

  For entire sample                         33.667      9.133         18     29.125     38.208


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                          3.56       1      3.56       .58      .462

  B                       1327.00       2    663.50    107.59      .000

  A BY B                    13.44       2      6.72      1.09      .367

AB Interaction


 A B   X


 1 1  42

 1 1  44

 1 1  45

 1 2  36

 1 2  39

 1 2  33

 1 3  21

 1 3  25

 1 3  22

 2 1  21

 2 1  26

 2 1  25

 2 2  34

 2 2  30

 2 2  34

 2 3  43

 2 3  46

 2 3  40








  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    43.667      1.528          3     39.872     47.461

    B               SOME                    36.000      3.000          3     28.548     43.452

    B               LOTS                    22.667      2.082          3     17.495     27.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    24.000      2.646          3     17.428     30.572

    B               SOME                    32.667      2.309          3     26.930     38.404

    B               LOTS                    43.000      3.000          3     35.548     50.452

  For entire sample                         33.667      8.738         18     29.321     38.012


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                          3.56       1      3.56       .58      .462

  B                          7.00       2      3.50       .57      .581

  A BY B                  1213.44       2    606.72     98.39      .000

Main Effects of A and B


 A B   X


 1 1  52

 1 1  54

 1 1  55

 1 2  46

 1 2  49

 1 2  43

 1 3  31

 1 3  35

 1 3  32

 2 1  41

 2 1  46

 2 1  45

 2 2  34

 2 2  30

 2 2  34

 2 3  23

 2 3  26

 2 3  20








  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    53.667      1.528          3     49.872     57.461

    B               SOME                    46.000      3.000          3     38.548     53.452

    B               LOTS                    32.667      2.082          3     27.495     37.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    44.000      2.646          3     37.428     50.572

    B               SOME                    32.667      2.309          3     26.930     38.404

    B               LOTS                    23.000      3.000          3     15.548     30.452

  For entire sample                         38.667     10.705         18     33.343     43.990


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                        533.56       1    533.56     86.52      .000

  B                       1327.00       2    663.50    107.59      .000

  A BY B                    13.44       2      6.72      1.09      .367

Main effect of A, AB Interaction


 A B   X


 1 1  52

 1 1  54

 1 1  55

 1 2  46

 1 2  49

 1 2  43

 1 3  31

 1 3  35

 1 3  32

 2 1  21

 2 1  26

 2 1  25

 2 2  34

 2 2  30

 2 2  34

 2 3  43

 2 3  46

 2 3  40








  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    53.667      1.528          3     49.872     57.461

    B               SOME                    46.000      3.000          3     38.548     53.452

    B               LOTS                    32.667      2.082          3     27.495     37.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    24.000      2.646          3     17.428     30.572

    B               SOME                    32.667      2.309          3     26.930     38.404

    B               LOTS                    43.000      3.000          3     35.548     50.452

  For entire sample                         38.667     10.370         18     33.510     43.823


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                        533.56       1    533.56     86.52      .000

  B                          7.00       2      3.50       .57      .581

  A BY B                  1213.44       2    606.72     98.39      .000

Main Effect of B, AB Interaction


 A B   X


 1 1  32

 1 1  34

 1 1  35

 1 2  46

 1 2  49

 1 2  43

 1 3  21

 1 3  25

 1 3  22

 2 1  31

 2 1  36

 2 1  35

 2 2  34

 2 2  30

 2 2  34

 2 3  33

 2 3  36

 2 3  30








  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    33.667      1.528          3     29.872     37.461

    B               SOME                    46.000      3.000          3     38.548     53.452

    B               LOTS                    22.667      2.082          3     17.495     27.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    34.000      2.646          3     27.428     40.572

    B               SOME                    32.667      2.309          3     26.930     38.404

    B               LOTS                    33.000      3.000          3     25.548     40.452

  For entire sample                         33.667      7.268         18     30.052     37.281


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                          3.56       1      3.56       .58      .462

  B                        397.00       2    198.50     32.19      .000

  A BY B                   423.44       2    211.72     34.33      .000

Main Effects of A and B, AB Interaction


 A B   X


 1 1  22

 1 1  24

 1 1  25

 1 2  36

 1 2  39

 1 2  33

 1 3  41

 1 3  45

 1 3  42

 2 1  41

 2 1  46

 2 1  45

 2 2  44

 2 2  40

 2 2  44

 2 3  43

 2 3  46

 2 3  40








  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    23.667      1.528          3     19.872     27.461

    B               SOME                    36.000      3.000          3     28.548     43.452

    B               LOTS                    42.667      2.082          3     37.495     47.838

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    44.000      2.646          3     37.428     50.572

    B               SOME                    42.667      2.309          3     36.930     48.404

    B               LOTS                    43.000      3.000          3     35.548     50.452

  For entire sample                         38.667      7.700         18     34.837     42.496


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS              74.00      12      6.17

  A                        373.56       1    373.56     60.58      .000

  B                        247.00       2    123.50     20.03      .000

  A BY B                   313.44       2    156.72     25.41      .000

No Significant Effects


 A B   X


 1 1  32

 1 1  24

 1 1  15

 1 2  46

 1 2  39

 1 2  23

 1 3  31

 1 3  45

 1 3  52

 2 1  31

 2 1  46

 2 1  55

 2 2  34

 2 2  40

 2 2  54

 2 3  33

 2 3  46

 2 3  50







  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X                SCORE ON FINAL EXAM

       FACTOR           CODE                  Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval


   A               BLUE‑BOO

    B               NONE                    23.667      8.505          3      2.539     44.794

    B               SOME                    36.000     11.790          3      6.712     65.288

    B               LOTS                    42.667     10.693          3     16.104     69.229

   A               COMPUTER

    B               NONE                    44.000     12.124          3     13.881     74.119

    B               SOME                    42.667     10.263          3     17.171     68.162

    B               LOTS                    43.000      8.888          3     20.920     65.080

  For entire sample                         38.667     11.499         18     32.948     44.385


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS            1314.00      12    109.50

  A                        373.56       1    373.56      3.41      .090

  B                        247.00       2    123.50      1.13      .356

  A BY B                   313.44       2    156.72      1.43      .277



Note that the means and graphs of the last two example data sets were identical.  The ANOVA table, however, provided a quite different analysis of each data set.  The data in this final set was constructed such that there was a large standard deviation within each cell.  In this case the marginal and cell means were not different enough to warrant rejecting the hypothesis of no effects, thus no significant effects were observed.

Dot Notation Revisited


The reader may recall from the previous chapter that placing dots instead of subscripts is a shorthand notation for summation.  For example


When two subscripts are involved the notation becomes somewhat more complicated (and powerful).  For example




or if a=1 then


When three subscripts are involved as is necessary in an A X B design the notation involves even more summation signs.  For example


and, for example


where one sums over the subscript containing the dot.


Using the dot notation with means rather than sums is a relatively simple extension of the dot notation. The mean is found by dividing the sum by the number of scores which were included in the sum.  For example, the grand mean can be found as follows:


and the cell means




All this is most easily understood in the context of a data table.


    b1         b2             b3  


       X111=10 X11.=33  X121=22 X12.=72  X131=14 X13.=45    X1..=150

  a1  X112=11 _11.=11  X122=24 _12.=24  X132=15 _13.=15    _1..=16.67

       X113=12         X123=26         X133=16             


       X211=20 X21.=63  X221=21 X22.=66  X231=18 X23.=57    X2..=186

  a2  X212=21 _21.=21  X222=22 _22.=22  X232=19 _23.=19    _2..=20.67

       X213=22         X223=23         X233=20             


 X.1..=96          X.2..=138    X.3..=102        X...=336

 _.1..=16          _.2..=23     _.3..=17         _...=18.67






Nested Two Factor Between Groups Designs B(A)


The Design


Factor B is said to be nested within factor A when a given level of B appears under a single level of A.  This occurs, for example, when the first three levels of factor B (b1 ,b3, and b3) appear only under level a1 of factor A and the next three levels of B  (b4 ,b5, and b6)  appear only under level a2 of factor A.  These types of  designs are also designated as hierarchical designs in some textbooks.


  A  B  X


  1  1  1

  1  1  2

  1  1  3

  1  2  5

  1  2  6

  1  2  7

  1  3  9

  1  3 10

  1  3 11

  2  1  1

  2  1  2

  2  1  3

  2  2  1

  2  2  2

  2  2  3

  2  3  1

  2  3  2

  2  3  3


Nested or hierarchical designs can appear because many aspects of society are organized  hierarchically.  For example within the university, classes (sections) are nested within courses, courses are nested within instructors, and instructors are nested within departments. 


In experimental research it is also possible to nest treatment conditions within other treatment conditions.  For example in studying the addictive potential of drugs, drug type could be nested within drug function, i. e.  Librium, Valium, and Xanax are drugs used to treat anxiety, Prozac is used to treat depression, and Halcion sold as a sleeping pill.  Here each drug appears in one and only one level of drug function.


The Data


The data are organized similarly to the A x B design.  Note that the data in the following table is identical to that in Table 6.1.



SPSS commands


The SPSS commands to do  this analysis are identical to those necessary to do the A x B analysis with one exception; the DESIGN subcommand must completely specify the design.  In this case the design can be specified with the effects A and B WITHIN A, where A corresponds to the main effect of A, and  B WITHIN A, the nested main effect of B.  The following text box contains the SPSS program to run the analysis.


The Analysis





  MANOVA X BY A(1,2) B(1,3)




The analysis of the B(A) design is similar to the A x B design.  The Tables of Means will be identical, but the graphs drawn from the means will be done differently than the A x B design.  The ANOVA table will contain only two effects and interpretation will be discussed.

Cell Means and Standard Deviations

FACTOR CODE  Mean  Std.Dev. N

   A   1

    B   1   2.000  1.000    3

    B   2   6.000  1.000    3

    B   3  10.000  1.000    3

   A   2

    B   1   2.000  1.000    3

    B   2   2.000  1.000    3

    B   3   2.000  1.000    3


The Table of Means


The Table of Means produced in this analysis is identical to that produced in the A x B design.





Because the qualitative or quantitative meaning of levels of a at each level of b is different, the graph of the means must be modified.  The nested main effects of b are presented side-by-side rather than on top of one another.  This is necessary because b1 is different depending on whether it appears under a1 or a2.

The ANOVA Table


The ANOVA table produced by design B(A) is presented below.


Source of Variation    SS   DF    MS     F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS        12.00   12   1.00

A                   72.00   1   72.00   72.00  .000

B WITHIN A          96.00   4    4.00   24.00  .000



Interpretation of Output


The interpretation of the ANOVA table is straightforward.  The WITHIN CELLS and A main effect SS's, DF's, and MS's are identical to the analysis done in design A x B and are interpreted similarly.


 The B WITHIN A term is called a nested main effect and is the sum of the two simple B main effects.  If this term is significant, then the graph of the simple main effects should be drawn (Figure 8.1).  What significance means is that the points WITHIN each line are not the same height (value).  That is, the means for b1, b2, and b3 within levels a1 and a2 are different.  In the example graph the simple main effect of B under a1 would be significant while the simple main effect of B under a2 would not.  Because the B WITHIN A effect is the sum of both simple effects, the combined effect was found to be significant in this case.


Similarities to the A X B Analysis


As noted earlier, the data files for the A x B and B(A) designs are identical.  Likewise, the MANOVA commands are similar except that the DESIGN subcommand on the B(A) design must be specified because it is not a completely crossed design.  The table of means of the B(A) design will be identical to the A x B design, the difference being that they will be plotted differently.  The ANOVA source table will slightly differ for the two types of designs.  Both are presented below to allow them to be contrasted.


Source Table for the B(A) Design


Source of Variation    SS   DF    MS     F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS        12.00   12   1.00

A                   72.00   1   72.00   72.00  .000

B WITHIN A          96.00   4    4.00   24.00  .000


Source Table for the A x B Design


Source of Variation    SS   DF    MS     F  Sig of F


 WITHIN CELLS       12.00   12   1.00

 A                   72.00   1  72.00    72.00   .000

 B                   48.00   2  24.00    24.00   .000

 A BY B              48.00   2  24.00    24.00   .000

Note that the WITHIN CELLS and A effects are identical in both analyses.  Note also that both the SS and DF for B and A BY B in the A x B design together add up to the SS and DF for B WITHIN A for the B(A) design.  What is happening here is that the B main effect and the A x B interaction in the A x B design is collapsed into the nested main effect of B in the B(A) design.






        Contrasts, Special and Otherwise


Understanding how contrasts may be employed in the analysis of experiments gives the researcher considerably flexibility in the specification of  "effects". 

In addition, the study of contrasts leads to even greater flexibility if multiple regression models are employed.  Using contrasts, the researcher can test specific “theory-driven” comparisons between groups.




A contrast is a set of numbers.  When a set of means are being contrasted, a contrast for the set of means will contain the same number of numbers as the number of means.  For example, if six means are being contrasted, a contrast for the set of means would contain six numbers.  The order of the numbers in the contrast corresponds to the order of the means.  Examination of the signs of the numbers in the contrast describes which means are being contrasted.


For example, the following contrast


1          1          1          -1         -1         -1


would compare the first three means with the last three means.


A contrast of the form


2          2          -1         -1         -1         -1


would compare the first two means with the last four means.  The manner in which the means are compared is determined by similar number.  In the above example, the first two groups share the same number (2), while the last four groups share the number minus one (-1).  All groups sharing the same positive number are compared with all groups sharing the same negative number.  If a contrast contains zeros, then those groups with zeros are not included in the contrast.  For example:


0          0          3          -1         -1         -1


Would compare the third mean with the last three means.  The first and second means would not be included in the calculation or interpretation of the contrast.


Sets of Contrasts


A set of contrasts is simply a number of contrasts considered simultaneously.  For example, the three contrasts presented above could be combined into a set of contrasts as follows:


contrast 1                     2          2          -1         -1         -1            -1

contrast 2                     0          0          3         -1         -1            -1

contrast 3                     1          1          1         -1         -1            -1


Orthogonal Contrasts


An orthogonal contrast is two contrasts such that when corresponding numbers in the contrasts are multiplied together and then the products are summed, the sum of the products is zero.  For example, in the preceding example, contrasts 1 and 2 are orthogonal as can be seen in the following:


contrast 1                        2          2          -1         -1         -1            -1

contrast 2                     x 0       x 0       x  3      x -1      x -1         x -1

products                       = 0       = 0       = -3     =  1      =   1        =   1     


The sum of the products, 0 + 0 + -3 + 1 + 1 + 1 , equals zero, thus contrast 1 and contrast 2 are orthogonal contrasts.

Non-orthogonal Contrasts


Non-orthogonal contrasts are two contrasts such that when corresponding numbers in the contrasts are multiplied together and then the products are summed, the sum of the products is not zero.  For example, in the preceding example, contrasts 2 and 3 are non-orthogonal as can be seen in the following:


contrast 3                        1          1           1         -1         -1            -1

contrast 2                     x 0       x 0       x  3      x -1      x -1         x -1

products                       = 0       = 0       =  3      =  1      =   1        =   1     


The sum of the products, 0 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 , equals six, thus contrast 2 and contrast 3 are non-orthogonal contrasts.  In a similar manner contrasts 1 and 3 are non-orthogonal.


Sets of Orthogonal Contrasts


The guiding principle is that the number of possible orthogonal contrasts will always equal the number of means being contrasted.  If six means are being contrasted, there will be no more than six contrasts which will be orthogonal to one another.  If six means are being contrasted and five orthogonal contrasts have already been found, then there exists a contrast which is orthogonal to the first five contrasts.  That contrast is not always easy to find.


Finding Sets of Orthogonal  Contrasts


In ANOVA the first contrast, which will be referred to as contrast 0, is a set of 1's.  This contrast will be seen to be equivalent to the m term in the score model.  For a contrast comparing six means, the first  contrast would be:


contrast 0                     1          1          1          1          1             1


In order for any following contrasts to be orthogonal with contrast 0, it can be seen that the sum of the numbers in the contrast must equal zero.  Both  contrasts 1 and 2 described earlier fit this criterion, and since they are orthogonal to one another, they will be included in the current set of orthogonal contrasts.


contrast 1                     2          2          -1         -1         -1            -1

contrast 2                     0          0          3          -1         -1            -1


In finding a fourth contrast which is orthogonal to the first three, look for patterns of means in the preceding contrasts which have the same number.  In both contrasts 1 and 2, the first and second means have the same number, 2 in contrast 1 and 0 in contrast 2.  Working with this subset, finding numbers which sum to zero, and setting all other numbers to zero , the following contrast is found:


contrast 3                     1          -1         0          0          0             0


The student should verify that this contrast is indeed orthogonal to all three preceding contrasts.


Using the same logic, the fifth contrast will involve the fourth, fifth, and sixth means.  There are any number of possibilities, but the following will be used:


contrast 4                     0          0          0          -2         1             1


The final contrast will compare the fifth mean and the sixth mean.  Any two numbers which sum to zero (i. e.  2.34 and -2.34) could be used without changing the analysis or interpretation, but 1 and -1 make the contrasts parsimonious.


contrast 5                     0          0          0          0          1             -1


Putting the six contrasts together as a set results in the following:


contrast 0                     1            1        1         1         1            1

contrast 1                     2            2        -1         -1         -1            -1

contrast 2                     0            0          3        -1         -1            -1

contrast 3                     1          -1           0        0         0            0

contrast 4                     0            0          0        -2         1            1

contrast 5                     0            0          0        0         1            -1


G  X


  1  1

  1  2

  1  3

  2  5

  2  6

  2  7

  3  9

  3 10

  3 11

  4  1

  4  2

  4  3

  5  1

  5  2

  5  3

  6  1

  6  2

  6  3


Again, the student should verify that all the contrasts in the set are orthogonal to one another.  There is no other contrast available which is orthogonal to all six of the preceding contrasts.  The non-believing student is welcome to search for such a contrast.  I wish him or her well and hope that they have a lot of spare time on their hands.


The Data


SPSS requires that the data for contrasts be set up as a single factor design.  The example data is set up for a single factor between groups design with six levels to the factor.  The data appears in the following text box.








       ( 1  1  1  1  1  1

         2  2 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1

         0  0  3 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1

        ‑1  1  0  0  0  0

         0  0  0  2 ‑1 ‑1

         0  0  0  0  1 ‑1 )

     /DESIGN G(1) G(2) G(3) G(4) G(5).



SPSS commands


The SPSS language requires that the contrasts be specified as a subcommand on the MANOVA command.  The following text box presents the appropriate commands to run contrasts of means.


The Analysis


The Table of Means


  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. X

FACTOR CODE   Mean  Std. Dev.  N


   G    1     2.000  1.000     3

   G    2     6.000  1.000     3

   G    3    10.000  1.000     3

   G    4     2.000  1.000     3

   G    5     2.000  1.000     3

   G    6     2.000  1.000     3

              4.000  3.254    18


The table of means is presented below:








The ANOVA table


The ANOVA table lists each contrast as an effect.

 * *  A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E ‑‑ DESIGN   1 * *


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source           SS     DF     MS      F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS    12.00   12    1.00

  G(1)              .00    1     .00    .00   1.000

  G(2)           144.00    1  144.00 144.00    .000

  G(3)            24.00    1   24.00  24.00    .000

  G(4)              .00    1     .00    .00   1.000

  G(5)              .00    1     .00    .00   1.000




Interpretation of Output


Note that only contrasts 2 and 3 are significant.  Contrast 2, comparing the mean of Group 3 with Groups 4, 5, and 6 has an F-ratio of 144.00, significant.  Contrast 3, comparing the means of Groups 1 and 2, is also significant.  The other three contrasts are all non-significant, comparing groups with the same mean.




Compare the above ANOVA table with one produced by treating the design as a single factor ANOVA (below).



  Source of Variation     SS    DF     MS     F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS           12.00  12   1.00

  G                     168.00   5  33.60   33.60   .000

One can observe that the SS for the single factor - G (168.00) is the sum of the SS for the five contrasts listed above (.00 + 144.00 + 24.00 + .00 + .00 = 168.00).  In general it can be stated The sum of the SS for any set of orthogonal contrasts will equal the SS for that effect.  The degrees of freedom (DF) for any effect will be the number of contrasts summed for that



To demonstrate this constancy, using the following set of orthogonal contrasts:


contrast 0                     1            1        1         1         1            1

contrast 1                     5          -1        -1         -1         -1            -1

contrast 2                     0            4        -1        -1         -1            -1

contrast 3                     0            0          3        -1         -1            -1

contrast 4                     0            0          0        2         -1            -1

contrast 5                     0            0          0        0         1            -1


The following ANOVA table is produced:


Source              SS      DF      MS      F     Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS       12.00    12    1.00

G(1)               14.40     1   14.40     14.40    .003

G(2)                9.60     1    9.60      9.60    .009

G(3)              144.00     1  144.00    144.00    .000

G(4)                 .00     1     .00       .00   1.000

G(5)                 .00     1     .00       .00   1.000


Note that in this case the first three contrasts are significant and that the sum of the SS for the five contrasts is equal to 168.00.



Contrasts, Designs, and Effects


It will now be demonstrated that the different models for the analysis of

experiments are simply special cases of contrasts.


For example, the following set of contrasts


contrast 0                     1           1          1          1        1            1

contrast 1                     -1         -1        -1          1        1            1

contrast 2                     2          -1        -1          2        -1            -1

contrast 3                     0          -1          1          0        -1            1

contrast 4                     0          -1          1          0        1            -1

contrast 5                     2          -1        -1        -2        1            1


produces the following ANOVA table


Note that in this case all contrasts are significant.  Comparing this with the ANOVA table produced by an A x B design with A possessing 2 levels and B 3 levels yields the following:

Source of Variation    SS   DF    MS     F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS        12.00   12   1.00

A                   72.00   1   72.00   72.00  .000

B                   48.00   2   24.00   24.00  .000

A BY B              48.00   2   24.00   24.00  .000



Source           SS     DF     MS        F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS   12.00    12     1.00

G(1)           72.00     1    72.00    72.00    .000

G(2)           36.00     1    36.00    36.00    .000

G(3)           12.00     1    12.00    12.00    .005

G(4)           12.00     1    12.00    12.00    .005

G(5)           36.00     1    36.00    36.00    .000


Note that the A main effect corresponds to the first contrast and has one degree of freedom.  The B main effect corresponds to the sum of contrasts 2 and 3 and has two degrees of freedom.  Finally, the A x B interaction corresponds to the sum of contrasts 4 and 5 with two degrees of freedom.

The preceding contrasts were a special form of the general form of main effects and interactions.  For a 2 x 2 design


contrast 0                     1          1         1         1

A main effect                1          1         -1         -1

B main effect                1          -1         1         -1

A x B interaction           1          -1         -1         1


In a like manner, contrasts corresponding to the B(A) design may be specified.  From the general form for a 2 x 2 design


contrast 0                                 1          1         1         1

A main effect                            1          1         -1         -1

simple B1 main effect     1          -1         0         0

simple B2 main effect     0          0         1         -1


the set of contrasts for a 2 x 3 design may be found as follows


contrast 0                     1           1        1           1        1            1

contrast 1                     -1         -1        -1           1        1            1

Contrast 2                    2          -1        -1          0        0            0

contrast 3                     0          -1          1          0        0            0

contrast 4                     0            0          0          2        -1            -1

contrast 5                     0            0          0          0        -1            1


which produce the following ANOVA table.


Source           SS      DF     MS        F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS   12.00     12     1.00

G(1)           72.00      1    72.00    72.00    .000

G(2)           72.00      1    72.00    72.00    .000

G(3)           24.00      1    24.00    24.00    .000

G(4)             .00      1      .00      .00   1.000

G(5)             .00      1      .00      .00   1.000


Comparing this to the ANOVA table produced by design B(A) yields


Source of Variation    SS   DF    MS     F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS        12.00   12   1.00

A                   72.00   1   72.00   72.00  .000

B WITHIN A          96.00   4    4.00   24.00  .000


Contrast 1 corresponds to the A main effect, contrasts 2 and 3 correspond to the simple main effect of B1 and contrasts 4 and 5 to the simple main effect of B2.




Non-Orthogonal Contrasts


When the specified set of contrasts is non-orthogonal, the sum of the sum of squares for the contrasts will not equal the total sum of squared for the effects.  In some cases the sum of the contrast sum of squares will be greater than the total sum of squares, in others, the sum of the contrast sum of squares will be less.  An example of each will now be given.


Smaller than Total Sum of Squares


The following set of contrasts produces a sum of contrast sum of square which is less than the total sum of squares (168.00) for a set of non-orthogonal contrasts.  Note that while the WITHIN SS remains constant, the sum of the contrast SS is only 24.00.  This was accomplished by contrasting groups with similar means.



       ( 1  1  1  1  1  1

         2  2 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1

         0  0  0  1  0 ‑1

         0  0  0  1 ‑1  0

         1 ‑1  0  0  0  0

         1  0  0  0  0 ‑1 )

     /DESIGN G(1) G(2) G(3) G(4) G(5).


Source of Variation       SS    DF      MS       F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS            12.00    12    1.00

 G(1)                     .00     1     .00     .00   1.000

 G(2)                     .00     1     .00     .00   1.000

 G(3)                     .00     1     .00     .00   1.000

 G(4)                   24.00     1   24.00   24.00    .000

 G(5)                     .00     1     .00     .00   1.000







Larger than Total Sum of Squares


On the other hand, if non-orthogonal contrasts are specified to contrast groups which have different means, then the sum of the  SS's will be larger than the total SS.  In the following case, the sum of the SS's is 424.00 compared with a total SS for orthogonal effects of 168.00.  Thus, if non-orthogonal effects are specified, then the ANOVA procedure will distort the nature of the effects depending upon how the effects were specified.




       ( 1  1  1  1  1  1

         2  2 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1

         1 ‑1  0  0  0  0

         0  0  3 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1

         0  0  2 ‑1 ‑1  0

         0  0  2 ‑1  0 ‑1 )

     /DESIGN G(1) G(2) G(3) G(4) G(5).


Source of Variation     SS    DF      MS      F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS         12.00    12    1.00

  G(1)                   .00     1     .00     .00   1.000

  G(2)                 24.00     1   24.00   24.00    .000

  G(3)                144.00     1  144.00  144.00    .000

  G(4)                128.00     1  128.00  128.00    .000

  G(5)                128.00     1  128.00  128.00    .000


Standard Types of Orthogonal Contrasts


A number of standard orthogonal contrasts are built into MANOVA.  Instead of specifying "/CONTRAST(G)=SPECIAL(    )", a standard contrast may be done by using "/CONTRAST(G)=XXX", where the "XXX" is one of the following:



This is a difference or reverse Helmert contrast which compares levels of a factor with the mean of the previous levels of the factor.  For the six level design, the contrast would appear as follows:



contrast 0                   1          1          1          1          1          1

contrast 1                   1         -1         0         0         0         0

contrast 2                   1         1         -2          0          0          0

contrast 3                   1          1          1         -3         0         0

contrast 4                   1          1          1          1         -4         0

contrast 5                   1          1          1          1          1         -5




Compares each level of a factor to the last level.  For the six level design, the contrast would appear as follows:


contrast 0                   1          1          1          1          1          1

contrast 1                   1          0         0         0         0         -1

contrast 2                   0         1          0          0          0         -1

contrast 3                   0          0          1         0         0         -1

contrast 4                   0          0          0          1         0         -1

contrast 5                   0          0          0          0          1         -1





This contrast requires that the levels of the independent variable be measured on at least a good approximation to an interval scale.  If this is the case, then the polynomial contrasts tests for trends. 


The first contrast tests for a linear trend.  That is, as the value of the independent variable increases, the dependent variable increases or decreases at a steady rate.  The increase or decrease may be described with a straight line.




The second contrast tests for quadratic trends.  The quadratic trend my be described with a parabola, it changes direction twice.  The third trend, the cubic, changes directions three times.  For each trend the number of changes in direction is the size of the trend.  The number of trends for a given set of contrasts will be one less than the number of groups being contrasted.  An illustration of each of the five trends for six groups is given below.


The set of orthogonal contrasts which tests for polynomial trends for six means is presented below:


contrast 0                   1          1          1          1          1          1

contrast 1                  -5         -3         -1          1         3         5

contrast 2                   5         -1         -4         -4         -1          5


contrast 3                  -5          7          4         -4         -7         5

contrast 4                   1         -3          2         2         -3         1

contrast 5                   1         -5        10       -10          5         -1


Example of Polynomial Contrasts


Given that the data produced the following table of means and resulting graph.



The MANOVA of the data using a polynomial contrast would produce the following source table.


  Variable .. X

 FACTOR        CODE       Mean  Std. Dev.     N


   G               1      2.000   1.000       3

   G               2      6.000   1.000       3

   G               3      8.000   1.000       3

   G               4      8.000   1.000       3

   G               5      7.000   1.000       3

   G               6     10.000   1.000       3

  For entire sample       6.833   2.684      18


 It can be seen that the first three contrasts; the linear, the quadratic, and the cubic, were significant, while the last two were not.  The graph of the means changes direction three times, with a slight overall rise (linear trend).  A model of the following form would be used to describe the relationship between groups (X) and the dependent measure (Y).



Y' = m  +  c1 * X  +  c2 * X2  +  c3 * X3


Only significant contrasts would be included in the model.





    /DESIGN G(1) G(2) G(3) G(4) G(5).


Source of Variation      SS    DF     MS    F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS          12.00    12   1.00

G(1)                  79.24     1  79.24  79.24   .000

G(2)                  10.32     1  10.32  10.32   .007

G(3)                  18.15     1  18.15  18.15   .001

G(4)                   2.68     1   2.68   2.68   .128

G(5)                    .11     1    .11    .11   .749




Other types of contrast may be available.  Check the SPSS manual.




Contrasts of means provide a very general mechanism for testing hypotheses about data.  The two-factor and nested main effect designs were seen to be special cases of orthogonal contrasts.  Contrasts are probably not used as much in ANOVA as they could be.







         ANOVA and Multiple Regression


Analysis of variance may be conceptualized and performed as a special case of multiple regression.  Doing so provides the user with a flexible analytical tool which can be applied to a wide variety of data types.  In addition,

conceptualization of ANOVA in this manner permits a greater understanding of the issues involved when unequal number of subjects appear in between subjects designs with two or more factors.


A review of a one factor ANOVA will be discussed first, with an additional discussion of orthogonal contrasts.  The concept of orthogonal transformations translates easily into “dummy coding” and the use of multiple regression for ANOVA.  After the discussion of one factor ANOVA, the conceptualization will be extended to two factor ANOVA in a similar manner.




ANOVA and Multiple Regression


Up until this point, the stated purpose of multiple regression was the prediction of a continuous dependent variable (Y) from one or more continuous variables (X’s).  Using the multiple regression approach allowed the testing of hypotheses about whether a variable or set of variables (X’s) significantly predicted the variance of the dependent variable (Y).  The purpose of one factor ANOVA was to make a decision as to whether the differences between means on a continuous dependent variable (Y) for levels of an independent variable, or factor, were large enough to attribute the differences between the means to something other than chance. 


In order to extend the multiple regression approach to incorporate ANOVA, the requirement that the independent variable(s) be continuous must be extended to the case of discrete variables.  This is accomplished by recoding the single independent variable of ANOVA into multiple independent variables for inclusion into a multiple regression analysis.  This process is called “dummy coding” and if one understands orthogonal contrasts, the transition is straightforward.

   1  23

   1  26

   1  31

   2  34

   2  32

   2  38

   3  45

   3  41

   3  49

   4  18

   4  24

   4  23

   5  31

   5  21

   5  27

   6  28

   6  34

   6  22





  x  BY group(1 6)

  /DESIGN  .



      1    26.67

      2    34.67

      3    45.00

      4    21.67

      5    26.33

      6    28.00

Start with a one factor between subjects design, A, where there are six levels of A (A=6) and three subjects in each group (S=3).  An example data file is presented below, with the SPSS commands, means, and ANOVA table following.  It can be seen that the means are significantly different from each other with F(5,15)=10.92, p<.05.  The sum of squares for the treatment effect and error are equal to 1031.61 and 226.67 respectively.






* * * * * * A n a l y s I s   o f   V a r I a n c e ‑‑ design   1 * * * * * *


 Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

 Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL          226.67      12     18.89

 GROUP                   1031.61       5    206.32     10.92      .000


 (Model)                 1031.61       5    206.32     10.92      .000

 (Total)                 1258.28      17     74.02


 R‑Squared =           .820

 Adjusted R‑Squared =  .745

Example Using Contrasts



   x  BY group(1 6)


   (  1  1  1  1  1  1

      1  1  1  1 ‑2 ‑2

      1  1 ‑1 ‑1  0  0

      1 ‑1  0  0  0  0

      0  0  1 ‑1  0  0

      0  0  0  0  1 ‑1 )


   GROUP(3) GROUP(4) GROUP(5) .

As discussed in the previous chapter, the single factor ANOVA may be performed as a series of orthogonal contrasts.  Any orthogonal set of contrasts will account for exactly the same amount of variance and produce the identical decision as the single factor ANOVA.  As a demonstration of this equality, the example data presented in the previous section was re-analyzed using the set of orthogonal contrasts specified below.


The end results of this analysis are identical to the results of the previous analysis.  Note that the sum of the sum of squares for the various contrasts equals the sum of squares for the Groups factor.

 * * A n a l y s I s   o f   V a r I a n c e * *


 Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

 Source of Variation     SS    DF      MS         F  Sig of F


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL     226.67    12   18.89

 GROUP(1)             93.44     1   93.44      4.95      .046

 GROUP(2)             21.33     1   21.33      1.13      .309

 GROUP(3)             96.00     1   96.00      5.08      .044

 GROUP(4)            816.67     1  816.67     43.24      .000

 GROUP(5)              4.17     1    4.17       .22      .647


 (Model)            1031.61     5  206.32     10.92      .000

 (Total)            1258.28    17   74.02


 R‑Squared =           .820

 Adjusted R‑Squared =  .745



Dummy Coding

To use a multiple regression approach to perform an ANOVA, the single independent variable with K levels must be recoded as K-1 independent variables.  The form of the recoding is identical to the orthogonal contrast.  For the examination of the total effect, any set of orthogonal contrasts will yield the same overall result.  Partitioning a single categorical variable into a set of variables suitable for multiple regression is called “dummy coding.”


GROUP D1 D2 D3 D4 D5  X

   1   1  1  1  0  0 23

   1   1  1  1  0  0 26

   1   1  1  1  0  0 31

   2   1  1 ‑1  0  0 34

   2   1  1 ‑1  0  0 32

   2   1  1 ‑1  0  0 38

   3   1 ‑1  0  1  0 45

   3   1 ‑1  0  1  0 41

   3   1 ‑1  0  1  0 49

   4   1 ‑1  0 ‑1  0 18

   4   1 ‑1  0 ‑1  0 24

   4   1 ‑1  0 ‑1  0 23

   5  ‑2  0  0  0  1 31

   5  ‑2  0  0  0  1 21

   5  ‑2  0  0  0  1 27

   6  ‑2  0  0  0 ‑1 28

   6  ‑2  0  0  0 ‑1 34

   6  ‑2  0  0  0 ‑1 22

The dummy codes may be created by turning the set of orthogonal contrasts on their side (called the transpose of a matrix) and assigning each subject in the group the same codes.  For example, dummy coding the example data set with the example set of contrasts produces the following data set.  Note that there are five new variables created, one for each of the orthogonal contrasts.  The first contrast, which is a row of ones, is not included, because the constant term (b0) in the multiple regression procedure does the same function.


The dummy coded variables will be orthogonal, or uncorrelated with one another, if there are an equal number of subjects in each group.  In the preceding example this was the case and the correlation matrix which results is as follows.  Note that all off-diagonal entries are zero.

                     ‑ ‑  Correlation Coefficients  ‑ ‑


             D1         D2         D3         D4         D5


D1          1.0000      .0000      .0000      .0000      .0000

D2           .0000     1.0000      .0000      .0000      .0000

D3           .0000      .0000     1.0000      .0000      .0000

D4           .0000      .0000      .0000     1.0000      .0000

D5           .0000      .0000      .0000      .0000     1.0000


ANOVA, Revisited




  /METHOD=ENTER d1 d2 d3 d4 d5.

The ANOVA may now be done by regressing the dummy coded variables as independent variables, in this case D1, D2,  . . . , on the dependent variable, in this case X.  The REGRESSION command in SPSS does this function and an example of the use of this command is given below.


The output from this command is presented below:








           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *

Block Number  1.  Method:  Enter

   D1       D2       D3       D4       D5


Multiple R           .90546

R Square             .81986

Adjusted R Square    .74480

Standard Error      4.34613


Analysis of Variance

                    DF      Sum of Squares      Mean Square

Regression           5          1031.61111        206.32222

Residual            12           226.66667         18.88889


F =      10.92294       Signif F =  .0004


‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ Variables in the Equation ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑

Variable              B        SE B       Beta         T  Sig T

D5             ‑.833333    1.774302   ‑.057545     ‑.470  .6470

D4            11.666667    1.774302    .805627     6.575  .0000

D3            ‑4.000000    1.774302   ‑.276215    ‑2.254  .0436

D2            ‑1.333333    1.254621   ‑.130209    ‑1.063  .3088

D1             1.611111     .724356    .272514     2.224  .0461

(Constant)    30.388889    1.024394               29.665  .0000


Note that the values of DF, Sum of Squares, Mean Square, F, and Sig of F for the “Regression” and “Residual” effects in the source table are identical to those of the “GROUP” and “WITHIN+RESIDUAL” effects in the output of the MANOVA command.  A one-factor ANOVA has in effect been performed.




In the same manner that orthogonal contrasts may be used to perform a two factor ANOVA, dummy codes may be selected such that a multiple regression analysis may perform the same function.  The general procedure is identical to dummy coding procedure for a one factor ANOVA, except that different dummy codes are used.  The recoded variables are partitioned into subsets and each subset is included as a hypothesis test in the regression model.

 A  B  X


 1  1 23

 1  1 26

 1  1 31

 1  2 34

 1  2 32

 1  2 38

 1  3 45

 1  3 41

 1  3 49

 2  1 18

 2  1 24

 2  1 23

 2  2 31

 2  2 21

 2  2 27

 2  3 28

 2  3 34

 2  3 22




The raw data, SPSS MANOVA command, and SPSS output is presented below.  The dependent variable is identical to that in the one factor case and the six levels of the single factor have been partitioned into two level of a factor called “A” and three levels of a factor called “B.”


  x BY a(1 2) b(1 3)










        A n a l y s I s   o f   V a r I a n c e


 Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

 Source of Variation     SS   DF     MS      F  Sig of F


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL     226.67   12    18.89

 A                   460.06    1   460.06    24.36      .000

 B                   456.44    2   228.22    12.08      .001

 A BY B              115.11    2    57.56     3.05      .085

 (Model)            1031.61    5   206.32    10.92      .000

 (Total)            1258.28   17    74.02


 R‑Squared =           .820

 Adjusted R‑Squared =  .745


Example Using Contrasts


The set of orthogonal contrasts may be selected such that the output of the MANOVA command produces results similar to those in the above example.  The raw data for this analysis is that presented in the one factor ANOVA section in this chapter.  The MANOVA command and results of this command are presented below:


  x  BY group(1 6)           


   (  1  1  1  1  1  1      

      1  1  1 ‑1 ‑1 ‑1      

      1  1 ‑2  1  1 ‑2      

      1 ‑1  0  1 ‑1  0      

      1  1 ‑2 ‑1 ‑1  2      

      1 ‑1  0 ‑1  1  0 )    



             A n a l y s I s   o f   V a r I a n c e

 Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

 Source of Variation       SS   DF      MS       F  Sig of F


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL       226.67   12   18.89

 GROUP(1)              460.06    1  460.06   24.36    .000

 GROUP(2) + GROUP(3)   456.44    2  228.22   12.08    .001

 GROUP(4) + GROUP(5)   115.11    2   57.56    3.05    .085


 (Model)              1031.61    5  206.32   10.92    .000

 (Total)              1258.28   17   74.02


 R‑Squared =           .820

 Adjusted R‑Squared =  .745

Note that the results of this analysis are identical to that of the two factor ANOVA.


Regression Analysis using Dummy Coding


 A  B  DA DB1 DB2 DAB1 DAB2  X


 1  1  1   1   1   1    1  23

 1  1  1   1   1   1    1  26

 1  1  1   1   1   1    1  31

 1  2  1   1  ‑1   1   ‑1  34

 1  2  1   1  ‑1   1   ‑1  32

 1  2  1   1  ‑1   1   ‑1  38

 1  3  1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0  45

 1  3  1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0  41

 1  3  1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0  49

 2  1  1   1   1  ‑1   ‑1  18

 2  1 ‑1   1   1  ‑1   ‑1  24

 2  1 ‑1   1   1  ‑1   ‑1  23

 2  2 ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1  31

 2  2 ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1  21

 2  2 ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1  27

 2  3 ‑1  ‑2   0   2    0  28

 2  3 ‑1  ‑2   0   2    0  34

 2  3 ‑1  ‑2   0   2    0  22

In a manner analogous to the dummy coding of the one factor ANOVA, the contrast matrix is transposed and expanded such that each subject in a group is given the same X variables.   The variables are labeled “DA, DB1, DB2, DAB1, and DAB2" where the D indicates that it is a dummy code and the letter or letters which follow indicate the name of the effect.  Because the B and AB factors have two degrees of freedom each, the effect of these factors will be a combination of two dummy coded variables, hence the “1" and “2" following the recoded variable.  The data matrix for the multiple regression analysis is presented below:


The correlation matrix including all the dummy coded variables is as follows:

                      ‑ ‑  Correlation Coefficients  ‑ ‑


             DA         DB1        DB2        DAB1       DAB2

DA          1.0000      .0000      .0000      .0000      .0000

DB1          .0000     1.0000      .0000      .0000      .0000

DB2          .0000      .0000     1.0000      .0000      .0000

DAB1         .0000      .0000      .0000     1.0000      .0000

DAB2         .0000      .0000      .0000      .0000     1.0000

Note that the independent variables are uncorrelated with each other, the definition of orthogonality or independence.  The implication of independence is that the order of entering the variables into the regression model will not make a difference.






The REGRESSION command which does the two factor ANOVA with the dummy coded variables is presented below.  The “/METHOD=TEST” subcommand will sequentially test each of the combinations of variables in the parentheses following the word “TEST”.  In this case, DA corresponds to the main effect of A, DB1 and DB2 to the main effect of B, and DAB1 and DAB2 to the interaction effect.  The result of this regression analysis is presented below.

           * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *


Hypothesis Tests


        Sum of

   DF   Squares     Rsq Chg       F      Sig F     Source


    1   460.05556   .36562   24.35588   .0003     DA

    2   456.44444   .36275   12.08235   .0013     DB1      DB2

    2   115.11111   .09148    3.04706   .0851     DAB1     DAB2


    5  1031.61111            10.92294   .0004     Regression

   12   226.66667                                 Residual

   17  1258.27778                                 Total




Multiple R           .90546

R Square             .81986

Adjusted R Square    .74480

Standard Error      4.34613

Note that the DF, Sum of Squares, F, and Sig F are identical to those of the two MANOVA analyses.




It at first appears that dummy coding is a great deal of trouble for very little gain.  The results of the analysis are identical to those of the simpler MANOVA procedures.  There are at least three reasons for viewing ANOVA as a special case of multiple regression.


The first reason is to achieve a better understanding of how the MANOVA procedure works.  When one uses the MANOVA program, the little guy inside the computer dummy codes the independent variable(s) and then applies a general linear model or regression analysis to the results.  In a like manner, a greater understanding of other multivariate procedures, such a discriminant analysis, is gained if one understands dummy coding.

The second reason for the understanding of dummy coding and the use of multiple regression to perform an ANOVA is that considerable flexibility is gained in the type of analysis that may be done.  If the independent variables in an analysis include both interval and categorical variables, both may be used in the same analysis.  The categorical variables are dummy coded and entered either before, with, or after the interval variables.  The dummy coded variables may be combined into different “effects” and entered into the regression equation in different orders.


The final and perhaps overriding reason for including a discussion of the relationship between multiple regression and ANOVA in this book is that it is difficult to explain the nature of the difficulty of unequal cell sizes in ANOVA without recourse to multiple regression.  That is the subject of the next chapter.







                     Unequal Cell Frequencies


Up to this point all computational procedures and theoretical development have been done for balanced designs.  Balanced designs have equal or proportional cell frequencies in each cell.  Employing unbalanced designs has profound effects on both the interpretation and theoretical development of ANOVA.  Since an unbalanced design is often employed in real life situations, a careful examination of unbalanced designs is warranted.


In the following, a review of a balanced two-way between subjects ANOVA will first be presented.  Following that, an unbalanced design of the same form will be analyzed using various options available from SPSS.  Since I entered the problem in a discussion list (ED-STAT), the solutions resulting from the resulting discussion will be presented last.


Equal Cell Frequency - Independence of Effects


In a balanced design the computational procedures to estimate the terms in the score model produce independent, or uncorrelated, effects.  This result of independent effects  is that the total of the sum of squares for all effects adds up to the total SS.  It makes no difference which effect is computed first, second, or last, since the size of one effect has no relationship to the size of any other effect


This can be seen very nicely in a source table from a balanced A X B design.


  Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source             SS    DF      MS          F  Sig of F


WITHIN CELLS      139.36   12     11.61

  A                  .36    1       .36       .03      .863

  B               123.08    2     61.54      5.30      .022

 A BY B           108.73    2     54.36      4.68      .031


Model             232.17    5     46.43      4.00      .036

Total             271.53   17



Note that the SS for the Model is equal to SSA + SSB + SSAB.  Here no matter what order the A, B, or A BY B terms are entered into the model, the result would be the same.


Unequal Cell Frequency - Dependent Effects


When the AXB design is unbalanced, it makes a great deal of difference which order the effects are entered into the model.  In order for the following to make sense, the reader must understand that SPSS has two options for dealing with unbalanced designs.  These options are selected by including either the subcommand "/METHOD = UNIQUE" or "/METHOD = SEQUENTIAL" to the MANOVA command.  The SEQUENTIAL procedure enters the effects into the model in the order that they are listed in the "/DESIGN" subcommand.  For example, if the default "/DESIGN = A B A BY B" was used, the A main effect would be entered first, the B main effect second, and the interaction A BY B would be last.


The use of  "/DESIGN = A BY B B A" and "/METHOD = SEQUENTIAL" would result in the interaction term being entered first, the B main effect second, and the A main effect last.  As shall be seen, the order of effects is critical and greatly effects the results of the analysis.



The "/METHOD = UNIQUE" subcommand is the default in SPSS.  That is, it is assumed if no "/METHOD = " subcommand is used.  This procedure presents the results as if every term in the model had been entered last.  The following is an article sent to the ED-STAT discussion group on April 28, 1993.


In trying to understand how SPSS handles unbalanced A X B designs, I generated a simulated data set.  The following is the summary table using the UNIQUE (default) option.


 Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares

 Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL        29961.11      76    394.23

 FACTORA                  927.96       1    927.96      2.35      .129

 FACTORB                 2500.39       2   1250.20      3.17      .048

 FACTORA BY FACTORB      3504.32       2   1752.16      4.44      .015


 (Model)                 9391.52       5   1878.30      4.76      .001

 (Total)                39352.63      81    485.83


Note that the Sum of Squares for the three effects sum to 6932.67, somewhat less than the Sum of Squares for the model.

 Tests of Significance for X using SEQUENTIAL Sums of Squares

 Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL        29961.11      76    394.23

 FACTORA                  797.17       1    797.17      2.02      .159

 FACTORB                 5090.03       2   2545.01      6.46      .003

 FACTORA BY FACTORB      3504.32       2   1752.16      4.44      .015


 (Model)                 9391.52       5   1878.30      4.76      .001

 (Total)                39352.63      81    485.83



The same data analysis using the SEQUENTIAL method produced the following table.


In this case the SS for the factors add up to the model SS and the interaction SS is the same as in the UNIQUE method.  No problem.  The SS for FACTORA, entered into the equation first, is smaller than that using the UNIQUE method.  Listing the effects in a different order on the DESIGN produces a different SS when the SEQUENTIAL method is used.


 Tests of Significance for X using SEQUENTIAL Sums of Squares

 Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL        29961.11      76    394.23

 FACTORB                 5747.55       2   2873.77      7.29      .001

 FACTORA                  139.65       1    139.65       .35      .553

 FACTORA BY FACTORB      3504.32       2   1752.16      4.44      .015


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL        29961.11      76    394.23

 FACTORA BY FACTORB      4780.86       2   2390.43      6.06      .004

 FACTORA                 2110.27       1   2110.27      5.35      .023

 FACTORB                 2500.39       2   1250.20      3.17      .048


 WITHIN+RESIDUAL        29961.11      76    394.23

 FACTORA BY FACTORB      4780.86       2   2390.43      6.06      .004

 FACTORB                 3682.70       2   1841.35      4.67      .012

 FACTORA                  927.96       1    927.96      2.35      .129



In all cases the final SS corresponds to that using the UNIQUE method. How can the SS for an effect be smaller than the UNIQUE SS for that effect, especially if that effect is entered into the model first?  To quote a student "I just don't understand."


To review what occurred.  If the "/METHOD = SEQUENTIAL" subcommand was specified, the sum of the SS's for the effects was equal to the SS for the model.  The problem was that the SS for each effect was different depending upon where it was listed in the "/DESIGN" subcommand.  The size of an effect depended upon which effects were already in the model.  An effect could be significant or not depending upon where it was listed on the "/DESIGN" subcommand.  In addition, it can be seen that the "/METHOD = UNIQUE" produced results as if each term had been listed last on the "/DESIGN" subcommand.  It all seems quite arbitrary.


Solutions for Dealing with Dependent Effects


The article solicited many comments.  Two of them are presented below:

From: Neil W. Henry <>


        You are not going to like this answer: "That's life."   Or another: "Don't use the word 'effect' so much."  It carries connotations that interfere with following what the numbers are doing.  And 'unique effect' is even more dangerous.  If you like correlations and regression, as I do, more than ANOVA, consider the following example.


        Y = X + W    (exactly)

        Var(X) = Var(Y) = Var(W) = 1.

        Cor(X,W) = ‑.5 .


It follows that


        Cor(Y,X) = Cor(Y,W) = .5 .


Consequently, W "when entered into the model first", _explains [only] 25% of the variance in Y_ . But, since together X and W "explain" 100% of the variance in Y, W's UNIQUE contribution to the variance is 75% (i.e. its contribution when added to the model after X is

already in).


Moral 1: Ain't negative numbers fun?


Moral 2: Don't let other people get your kicks for you; or push their favorite jargon on you either.


        `o^o'   *       Neil W. Henry (   *

        ‑<:>‑   *       Virginia Commonwealth University        *

        _/ \_   *       Richmond VA 23284‑2014                  *

                *(804)367‑1301 (math sciences, 2079 Oliver)     *

                *       7‑6650 (academic computing, B30 Cabell) *



From: (David Nichols)

To: dws148f@smsvma.bitnet

Subject: Re: Unbalanced ANOVA


From a computational perspective, you can think of UNIQUE sums of squares as the difference between the total model sums of squares accounted for by a model including all terms and one including all terms except for the one at issue. Thus each term in the model is "adjusted" for all other terms, or entered last in a regression. This will produce sums of squares that do not generally add up to the total (they will in cases where there are the same number of cases in each cell of the design). The SEQUENTIAL approach fits an ordered set of terms one at a time, and this will produce a set of sums of squares that add up to the total. Since the last term entered is after all other terms in the model, it will always be the same as with UNIQUE sums of squares.


In the general case of data in which there are unequal numbers of cases in the cells of the design (assuming at least one in each cell‑‑the case of empty cells becomes substantially more complex), the UNIQUE sums of squares test the same hypotheses that are tested in balanced designs. In the balanced case, both types of sums of squares test the same hypotheses and thus reduce to the same results. In unbalanced designs the statistical hypotheses tested by SEQUENTIAL sums of squares test hypotheses that depend on the number of observations in the cells, which is generally not considered a positive characteristic. This is why UNIQUE sums of squares are the default.


As to the question of how the sums of squares for a factor can be higher when it is entered after another factor than when it is entered alone, probably the easiest way to understand it is to think in terms of part correlations and multiple regression. Recall that ANOVA and regression involve an identical mathematical/statistical model. You can easily verify the fact that the sums of squares accounted for by a term in a regression model at a particular stage is given by the squared part correlation of that regressor with the dependent variable, multiplied by the mean corrected total sums of squares. Thus if the squared part correlation between X and Y with the linear effects of Z taken out of X is higher than the simple squared correlation of X with Y, the sums of squares of X fitted after Z will be greater than the sums of squares fitted before Z (at least in the case where these are the only two predictors).


Another way to look at this (related to the first) and one that may be more helpful, is to try to picture it in geometric terms. The part correlation of X with Y, removing the linear effects of Z from X is equivalent to regressing X on Z, taking the residuals, and then regressing Y on those residuals. If you look at this in terms of vectors, you can see that the residual vector can in general be pointing in any direction and thus may be more nearly coincident with the Y vector than was the original X vector.


It all depends on the intercorrelations among the variables. There's an excellent description of this from a geometrical perspective in the February 1993 _American Statistician_, Vol. 47, No. 1, beginning on p. 26.




 A  B  X DA1 DB1 DB2 DAB1 DAB2


 1  1 23   1   1   1   1    1

 1  1 27   1   1   1   1    1

 1  1 35   1   1   1   1    1

 1  1 25   1   1   1   1    1

 1  2 56   1   1  ‑1   1   ‑1

 1  2 45   1   1  ‑1   1   ‑1

 1  2 62   1   1  ‑1   1   ‑1

 1  3 24   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 21   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 34   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 28   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 33   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 21   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 14   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 26   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 22   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 20   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 31   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 38   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 30   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 1  3 25   1  ‑2   0  ‑2    0

 2  1 36  ‑1   1   1  ‑1   ‑1

 2  1 41  ‑1   1   1  ‑1   ‑1

 2  2 43  ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1

 2  2 48  ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1

 2  2 35  ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1

 2  2 41  ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1

 2  2 39  ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1

 2  2 44  ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1

 2  2 51  ‑1   1  ‑1  ‑1    1

 2  3 18  ‑1  ‑2   0   2    0

 2  3 21  ‑1  ‑2   0   2    0


An example data set with unequal cell sizes will be analyzed first with MANOVA using both “/METHODS=UNIQUE” and “/METHODS=SEQUENTIAL” subcommands.  The results of these analyses will correspond directly to those discussed earlier in this chapter.  The same data set will be dummy coded and analyzed using a multiple regression procedure.  The results of the two methods of MANOVA will be duplicated.


The example data set is presented below.  Note that the cells have unequal n’s and the variables have been dummy coded using the same recoding system as the two factor ANOVA in the last chapter.


The results of the MANOVA using the “/METHOD=UNIQUE” subcommand is as follows:





 A n a l y s I s   o f   V a r I a n c e

 Tests of Significance for X using UNIQUE sums of squares


 Source of Variation     SS    DF      MS         F  Sig of F

 WITHIN CELLS       975.02     26     37.50

 A                    27.63     1     27.63       .74      .399

 B                  2604.75     2   1302.38     34.73      .000

 A BY B              425.82     2    212.91      5.68      .009


 (Model)            3255.94     5    651.19     17.36      .000

 (Total)            4230.97    31    136.48

 R‑Squared =           .770

 Adjusted R‑Squared =  .725

A similar analysis done using the “/METHOD=SEQUENTIAL” subcommand yields the following table.

A n a l y s I s   o f   V a r I a n c e


 Tests of Significance for X using SEQUENTIAL Sums of Squares

 Source of Variation     SS    DF        MS         F  Sig of F


 WITHIN CELLS        975.02    26     37.50

 A                   398.82     1    398.82     10.63      .003

 B                  2431.30     2   1215.65     32.42      .000

 A BY B              425.82     2    212.91      5.68      .009


 (Model)            3255.94     5    651.19     17.36      .000

 (Total)           4230.97     31    136.48

 R‑Squared =           .770

 Adjusted R‑Squared =  .725

The results are as expected considering the preceding discussion of the effect of unequal n’s on the ANOVA.  Both the cell means for the groups and the marginal means from the MANOVA command are presented below.

Var  Value Mean  Std Dev Cases


A     1   30.47   11.79    21

  B   1   27.50    5.25     4

  B   2   54.33    8.62     3

  B   3   26.21    6.51    14


A     2   37.90   10.25    11

  B   1   38.50    3.53     2

  B   2   43.00    5.38     7

  B   3   19.50    2.12     2


 Combined Observed Means for A


   1        WGT.    30.47619

          UNWGT.    36.01587

   2        WGT.    37.90909

          UNWGT.    33.66667

 Combined Observed Means for B


   1        WGT.    31.16667

          UNWGT.    33.00000

   2        WGT.    46.40000

          UNWGT.    48.66667

   3        WGT.    25.37500

          UNWGT.    22.85714

Note that the weighted means are the means obtained using the MEANS command and each marginal mean is computed by dividing the sum of scores by the number of scores.  The unweighted marginal means are computed by finding the mean of the cell means.  For example, the unweighted marginal mean for a1 would be the mean of 27.50, 54.33, and 26.21.



The regression analysis uses the dummy codes of the data.  With unequal cell sizes, the dummy coded variables will not be orthogonal or uncorrelated.  The greater the difference in cell sizes, the greater the correlations between the dummy codes.  The correlation matrix for the dummy codes in the example data is presented below.

                      ‑ ‑  Correlation Coefficients  ‑ ‑


             DA1        DB1        DB2        DAB1       DAB2

DA1         1.0000     ‑.4606**    .3427     ‑.1910     ‑.2835

DB1         ‑.4606**   1.0000     ‑.1796      .5069**    .2750

DB2          .3427     ‑.1796     1.0000      .0910     ‑.0823

DAB1        ‑.1910      .5069**    .0910     1.0000      .0296

DAB2        ‑.2835      .2750     ‑.0823      .0296     1.0000

The implication of these correlations is that the different dummy coded variables will share variance in predicting the dependent variable.  The order of entry of a variable into the regression equation will make a difference.


The REGRESSION command appearing below places uses the subcommand “/METHOD=TEST(DA1) (DB1 DB2)(DAB1 DAB2).”  The result of this analysis directly corresponds to the “/METHOD=UNIQUE” subcommand in MANOVA.  The REGRESSION command and output are presented below.


  /DEPENDENT x                              

  /METHOD=TEST (da1) (db1 db2) (dab1 dab2)  .


   * * * *   M U L T I P L E   R E G R E S S I O N   * * * *


Hypothesis Tests


            Sum of

   DF       Squares  Rsq Chg          F   Sig F     Source


    1      27.63040   .00653     .73679   .3985     DA1

    2    2604.75272   .61564   34.72919   .0000     DB1      DB2

    2     425.82185   .10064    5.67749   .0090     DAB1     DAB2


    5    3255.94494            17.36462   .0000     Regression

   26     975.02381                                 Residual

   31    4230.96875                                 Total



To generate the ANOVA table of the “METHOD=SEQUENTIAL” subcommand in MANOVA, the “/METHOD=TEST” subcommand is modified as follows in the REGRESSION command.  The resultant output follows.


  /DEPENDENT x             

  /METHOD=test (da1)       

  /METHOD=test (db1 db2)   

  /METHOD=test (dab1 dab2) 


Variable(s) Entered on Step Number   1..    DA1


Hypothesis Tests

            Sum of

   DF       Squares  Rsq Chg          F   Sig F     Source


    1     398.82156   .09426    3.12218   .0874     DA1


    1     398.82156             3.12218   .0874     Regression

   30    3832.14719                                 Residual

   31    4230.96875                                 Total


Block Number  2.  Method:  Test      DB1      DB2


Hypothesis Tests

            Sum of

   DF       Squares  Rsq Chg          F   Sig F     Source


    2    2431.30153   .57464   24.29834   .0000     DB1      DB2


    3    2830.12309            18.85610   .0000     Regression

   28    1400.84566                                 Residual

   31    4230.96875                                 Total


Block Number  3.  Method:  Test      DAB1     DAB2


Hypothesis Tests

            Sum of

   DF       Squares  Rsq Chg          F   Sig F     Source


    2     425.82185   .10064    5.67749   .0090     DAB1     DAB2


    5    3255.94494            17.36462   .0000     Regression

   26     975.02381                                 Residual

   31    4230.96875                                 Total


Note that the order of variables entered into the equation is similar to the default order of entry in the MANOVA.  In the case with the multiple “/METHOD=TEST” commands the REGRESSION analysis tests the hypothesis that the addition of the variable or variables predicts a significant amount of the variance that remains after the preceding variables have been entered into the equation.




The first recommendation is to avoid multi-factor ANOVA designs with unequal cell sizes.  This recommendation is rather glib and does not present a realistic alternative in most situations.  Unequal cell sizes are a fact of life in most real-life experimental designs.


The second recommendation is to use the default “/METHOD=UNIQUE” when faced with unequal cell sizes.  The anomalous results that this method sometimes generates can be more easily accepted if the user has an understanding of how the procedure works.  A colleague presented a table of cell means which common sense would suggest that the two-factor interaction should be significant.  It was not, however, because the cell sizes were grossly unequal.  The colleague had a difficult time accepting a statistical result that went against common sense.


The final recommendation is to approach ANOVA using a multiple regression approach.  Even if the results are similar to that using MANOVA, at least the user has more control over the analysis and perhaps a better understanding of the results.







Subjects Crossed With Treatments  S X A


The Design


In S X A designs each subject sees each level of factor A.  These designs are sometimes called repeated measures designs because there must necessarily be more than one score per subject.  Another name for the design is within subjects design, because all effects are within rather than between subjects.


With respect to purpose and function, the S X A design is like the A design.  With respect  to the score model, it is much closer to the A X B design.




                           NONE 13‑15.








An example of an experiment that employs the S X A design follows.  Suppose a researcher was interested in choral singing behavior.  A phenomenon noted by many choral directors, called the Lombard effect, is that people tend to sing louder when the people around them are singing louder.  The researcher wishes to test the extent that this occurs.


The researcher has twelve subjects each sing the Star Spangled Banner four times, measuring the loudness of their singing each time.  The subjects have on headphones and are singing along with other voices, played soft, medium, and loud.  A forth condition has no accompaniment.  The subjects were instructed to try to sing at the same level each time.  The order of the loudness of the accompanying voices is randomized across subjects.  An apparatus measures the average decibels of the singing for the entire song.





1   92    93    93   87

2   81    89    89   79

3   88    93    89   81

4   93    99    99   87

5   82    83    83   79

6   88    85    87   90

7   86    92    89   82

8   82    87    84   81

9   82    88    84   82

10  85    88    88   79

11  79    82    82   76

12  88    92    93   84



The Data


The data are arranged with each subject's data as a row.  The first column in the data file is the subject number.  Subject numbers are not  necessary to run the analysis, but may come in very handy in locating incorrectly entered data or missing subjects.  The next four columns of data are average decibels for the none, soft, medium and loud accompaniment conditions.


SPSS commands


As in all previous analyses, the DATA LIST command reads in the data from the data file and the LIST command gives a picture of how the computer understands the data.   The CORRELATION command gives a picture of how the repeated measures are correlated.


After the keyword MANOVA, the names of the four variables used for the measures under the different treatment levels are listed.  There is no BY listed because there are no between subjects factors.  The subcommand WSFACTORS = is followed by a name for the factor and the number of levels of that factor in parentheses.  In this example the factor name selected was LOMBARD and the number of levels of this factor was four.  The number of levels must correspond to the number of variables listed after the MANOVA command.


As in the previous MANOVA commands, the PRINT = CELLINFO(MEANS) will give an optional table of the means for the four variables.  The analysis will also go on without the WSDESIGN and DESIGN subcommands, but putting them in avoids a warning message. 


The Correlation Matrix

        ‑ ‑  Correlation Coefficients  ‑ ‑


           SOFT     MEDIUM   LOUD     NONE


 SOFT     1.0000    .7951**  .8647**  .8071**

 MEDIUM    .7951** 1.0000    .9143**   .4824

 LOUD      .8647**  .9143** 1.0000     .5988*

 NONE      .8071**  .4824    .5988*   1.0000

* ‑ Signif.LE.05 ** ‑ Signif.LE.01 (2‑tailed)


The correlation matrix showing the linear relationship between the within subjects variables is presented below.


The Table of Means


The following table is an example of the output of the optional PRINT command.  Note that the results of the experiment are as predicted, the louder the accompaniment, the louder the subjects sang, except for a slight reversal from Medium to Loud.  The output has been reduced in size.



  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

                      Mean  Std. Dev.  N   95 percent Conf. Interval

‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑   Variable .. SOFT

For entire sample      85.500   4.442     12     82.678     88.322

‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑   Variable .. MEDIUM

For entire sample      89.250   4.827     12     86.183     92.317

‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑   Variable .. LOUD

For entire sample      88.333   4.924     12     85.205     91.462

‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑   Variable .. NONE

For entire sample      82.250   4.070     12     79.664     84.836


A simple graph is produced from this data.  Because the graph contains so little information, a table is usually used to present the results.


The ANOVA Table


The results produced by a within subjects design has several additional statistics besides the ANOVA table.  Each section of the results will now be analyzed in turn.


Interpretation of Output


The first section of the results is presented below:

‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑

 Tests of Between‑Subjects Effects.


  Tests of Significance for T1 using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation       SS     DF      MS      F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS         746.17    11      67.83

  CONSTANT          357765.33     1  357765.33  5274.18  .000


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E ‑‑ DESIGN   1 * * * * * * * * * *

 Tests involving 'LOMBARD' Within‑Subject Effect.



  Mauchly sphericity test, W =      .26143

  Chi‑square approx. =            13.04327 with 5 D. F.

  Significance =                      .023


  Greenhouse‑Geisser Epsilon =      .53263

  Huynh‑Feldt Epsilon =             .60890

  Lower‑bound Epsilon =             .33333

Since there are no between subjects effects, other than the constant (m), in an S X A design, the information presented above is not very useful.  The analysis says that the grand mean is significantly different from zero.


The second section of the results is presented below.


The Mauchly sphericity test is an hypothesis test of the additional assumptions necessary in a within subjects design.  When the significance of this statistic is below a set level (.05 is standard) then the assumptions necessary to do a within subjects ANOVA have been violated.  The three Epsilons that follow are corrections to the degrees of freedom to correct for the violations.  Both the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom of the F test that follows must be multiplied by one of these values and the significance of the F ratio revaluated.  The Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon if fairly conservative, especially for small sample.  The Huynh-Feldt Epsilon is an attempt at correction of the conservatism (Norusis, 1990).



  Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 1, M = 1/2, N = 3 1/2)


Test Name         Value     Exact F    Hypoth. DF    Error DF   Sig. of F


Pillais           .72457       7.89193        3.00        9.00      .007

Hotellings       2.63064       7.89193        3.00        9.00      .007

Wilks             .27543       7.89193        3.00        9.00      .007

Roys              .72457

Note.. F statistics are exact.



Multivariate tests of significance are sometimes recommended for testing within subjects effects because the assumptions necessary to perform the test are less restrictive.  Four different multivariate tests are performed and appear as follows:

Note that in this case all of the multivariate tests give the same Exact F and significance level.  These hypothesis tests provide evidence for the reality of effects.  The interpretation of the effect is the same as the interpretation for a significant main effect of A in design A.

Tests involving 'LOMBARD' Within‑Subject Effect.


AVERAGED Tests of Significance using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation        SS    DF      MS     F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS           176.00    33     5.33

  LOMBARD                358.50     3   119.50   22.41    .000


The final table is a univariate test of the A effect.  Note that here the Lombard (A) main effect is statistically significant.  Interpretation of this significant main effect proceeds identically to the multivariate test for a significant main effect of A.


In any case the results of this study seem clear, the louder the accompaniment, the louder the person sang.  No accompaniment gave the quietest singing.  There may have been a ceiling effect as moderate and loud accompaniment gave almost identical singing volume.


Additional Assumptions for Univariate S X A Designs


To avoid distorting the decision-making process, it is necessary to add an assumption when taking a univariate approach to testing for the main effect of A in S X A designs.  The assumption is that if an infinite number of subjects were run in the experiment and scores were collected on all levels of the within subjects treatments, then the correlations between the different treatments would all be equal.  In addition, the variances would all be equal.  The sample correlation matrix between the treatment effects was found in the example SPSS program.  Imagine a very large (infinite) data set and a similar correlation matrix.  The assumption underlying the univariate repeated measures ANOVA is that all the values in the matrix would be the same.

Norusis (1990) acknowledges difficulties with the Mauchly Sphericity Test.  For small samples the test of the preceding assumption is not very powerful and for large samples it may be too powerful.  The major problem here is that it the goal of the analysis is to accept the null hypothesis that the correlations are not different. 


Deciding to use the univariate or multivariate approach is often a matter of preference.  Winer (1962 p. 283) writes:  "It is, however, difficult to formulate a set of general rules by which one type of analysis will be preferred to the other.  The univariate approach pools information from repeated measures - this kind of pooling usually carries with it a set of homogeneity assumptions."


SS, MS, and Expected Mean Squares (EMS)


SS and MS


As in the preceding designs, the SS for any effect can be found by squaring the score model terms and summing the squares.  The mean squares may be obtained by dividing the SS by the appropriate degrees of freedom.  The F-ratio is then found by dividing the MS for that term by an error MS.  It is not directly apparent whether the MS for the A effect (MSA) should be tested by dividing by the MS for Subjects (MSS) or the MS for error (MSE).  For that reason a new concept, expected mean squares, will be introduced.


Expected Mean Squares


If an experiment could be run with an infinite number of subjects in all conditions, then the score model would not need to be estimated, but would be known.  In that case, hypothesis testing for term effects would not be needed because it would be known whether the terms in the model were zero or not.  Since it is impossible and not very cost-efficient to run an infinite number of subjects in an experiment, hypothesis testing is standard operating procedure in science.


In an abstract and mathematical sense the question of what would the world look like if there were and infinite number of subjects in each group makes sense.  In fact it is the foundation of hypothesis testing theory.  If there were an infinite number of subjects in each group, the score model terms could be found for each score.  The procedure for finding the terms is conceptually similar, but not directly analogous, to the procedure which has been used in the preceding chapters.  It is not directly possible to solve an infinite number of simultaneous linear equations for an infinite number of variables.  A mathematical solution, however, is available.  At this point the student is asked to believe.


If the real terms for the score model could be found, the real variances for all the terms in the model could also be found.  There would be a variance for each term in the score model.  For example,


Factor              Model Term                 Variance

  A                           aa                  σA2

  S                            ss                   σS2

  E                            eas                             σE2


In real life, only a sample of subjects (preferably random) is selected to be included in the experiment rather than an infinite number of subjects.  The terms in the score model are estimated and the mean squares for each term are computed.  Basically, the means squares for each term are variances of those estimated values.


Moving back again to the conceptual and abstract arena, visualize an infinite number of similar experiments being carried out.  The score model terms and associated mean squares are estimated for each experiment.  Each time they are different, but seem to cluster around one value or another.  A mathematician can  find the (theoretical) mean of the model terms and means squares using a technique called expected value.  The expected mean square (EMS) is the expected value of the infinite number of observed mean squares.


Using techniques that will not be covered in this text, it is possible to solve for the EMS in terms of real variances of model terms.  The results show certain patterns which have been placed in an algorithm so that given any standard model, the expected mean squares may be found (Lee, 1975).  I have written a computer program that uses the algorithm presented in Lee so that students may find expected mean squares for many standard ANOVA designs.  Instructions on how to use the program may be found in Homer & Tessie.


Using the program  the following results were found for design     S X A.


Factor              Model Term     Variance           Mean Square    EMS

  A                           aa      σA2        MSA           σE2 + σAS2 + SσA2

  S                            ss       σS2                    MSS           σE2 + AσS2

  E                            eas                 σE2                    MSE           σE2 + σAS2


The rule for selecting an error term to test the effect of a factor is simple:  the error term (denominator) in the F-ratio is the mean square of the term with an expected mean square containing all the terms in the expected mean square of the term to be tested plus one - an error term - σE2.  From the above table it can be seen that MSE is the appropriate error term.   Also note that there is no error term that could be used to test the subjects main effect.


The output from the program described in Homer & Tessie differs somewhat from the Expected Mean Squares given above, because of limitations of the screen output within the programming language.  The correspondence is as follows:


Actual Expected Mean Squares            Program Expected Mean Squares


σE2 + σAS2 + SσA2                                σE + σAS + SσA

σE2 + AσS2                                           σE + AσS

σE2 + σAS2                                            σE + σAS


Note that the terms are not squared and terms which follow the σ are not subscripted.  With a little effort, the two presentation modes may be understood as equivalent.






Subjects Crossed With Two Treatments -



The Design


In S X A X B designs each subject sees each level of all possible combinations  of  levels of factors A and B.  These designs are a more complex example of repeated measures or  within subjects designs.  With respect to purpose and function, the S X A X B design is like the A X B design. 


An example of an experiment that employs an S X A X B design is a variation of the S X A experiment described in the previous chapter.  That study investigated the Lombard effect by having subjects sing the national anthem along with a choral group played through earphones.  In this variation of the study, the three levels of factor A were three different locations in the song.  Factor B investigated the effects of instructions to the subjects.  On the first attempt, subjects were not given any instructions about how loudly to sing, while on the second attempt subjects were  instructed to try to sing at the same level throughout the song.


The Data


The data are arranged with each subject's data as a row.  As before, the first column in the data file is the subject number.   Following this are the six measures taken for each subject.  Note that the variables are named as L1P1 to L2P3 for the loudness and place levels for each subject.  The MANOVA subcommand does not care what these variables are named, the variable names could just as well have been V1 to V6.  In this case the variable names were selected to make life more organized for the data analyzer.  The GENDER and EXPER variables are not needed for this analysis, but will be needed in following chapters.


 2  1   3  93   93   93   87   88   89

 3  2   2  81   89   89   79   83   79

 4  1   2  88   93   89   81   77   76

 5  1   1  93   99   99   87   93   95

 6  2   1  82   83   83   79   79   79

 7  2   2  88   85   87   90   84   83

 8  1   3  86   92   89   82   84   86

 9  1   2  82   87   84   81   81   79

10  2   2  82   88   84   82   83   83

11  1   1  85   88   88   79   77   83

12  1   3  79   82   82   76   79   82

13  1   1  88   92   93   84   84   88

14  1   3  82   83   83   78   82   80

15  2   1  81   85   86   78   80   80

16  1   1  85   85   87   81   84   87

17  1   3  91   88   85   87   77   78

18  2   3  78   79   79   71   73   78

19  1   3  89   95  102   91   99   98

20  1   2  85   84   86   85   79   78

21  1   3  90   94   93   88   89   90

22  2   3  86   88   89   83   86   87

23  1   2  89   90   90   85   85   87

24  2   2  85   86   87   75   81   85

25  1   1  83   83   78   72   74   73

26  1   1  79   80   80   79   77   78

27  2   1  80   81   81   79   77   78

28  1   2  77   82   84   71   72   76

SPSS commands


As in all previous analyses, the DATA LIST command reads in the data from the data file.  The VALUE LABELS command will make interpretation of output easier.  As before, the LIST command gives a picture of how the computer understands the data and the CORRELATION command gives a picture of how the repeated measures are correlated.


After the keyword MANOVA, the names of the six variables used for the measures under the different treatment levels are listed.  Because there are no between subjects factors, the keyword BY is not used.  The subcommand WSFACTORS = is followed by a name for both the A and B factors with the number of levels of that factor in parentheses following the factor name.  The slowest moving variable is listed first and the fastest moving variable is listed last.  In this example the factor names selected were INSTRUCT and PLACE, the former reflecting whether or not instructions were given to the subject to control for the Lombard effect and the latter reflecting the position in the song.  The order of the variables following the MANOVA command determines the order of factor names following the WSFACTORS subcommand.  In this case, because the three position measures under the no instruction condition appeared first and the second three were under voice control instructions, the order of variables on the WSFACTORS subcommand had to be INSTRUCT and then PLACE.  Changing the order of these factors would give very different results.  The product of the number of levels of all factors listed after WSFACTORS must correspond to the number of variables listed after the MANOVA command.  In this case there are two times three or six variables.


As in the previous MANOVA commands, the PRINT = CELLINFO(MEANS) will give an optional table of the means for the six variables.  The analysis will also proceed without the WSDESIGN and DESIGN subcommands, but putting them in avoids a warning message. 


The Correlation Matrix


The correlation matrix showing the linear relationship between the within subjects variables is presented below.  Note that the different measures are highly correlated, indicating that the experiment gains considerable power by using a within rather than between subjects design.

                       ‑ ‑  Correlation Coefficients  ‑ ‑

          I1P1    I1P2     I1P3     I2P1    I2P2     I2P3

 I1P1   1.0000    .8270**  .7578**  .8091** .6620**  .6519**

 I1P2    .8270** 1.0000    .9020**  .6882** .7627**  .7323**

 I1P3    .7578**  .9020** 1.0000    .7260** .8716**  .8696**

 I2P1    .8091**  .6882**  .7260** 1.0000   .7667**  .6606**

 I2P2    .6620**  .7627**  .8716**  .7667** 1.0000   .9224**

 I2P3    .6519**  .7323**  .8696**  .6606**  .9224** 1.0000

0* ‑ Signif. LE .05    ** ‑ Signif. LE .01    (2‑tailed)


The Table of Means


  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

                       Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval

  Variable .. I1P1

 For entire sample       84.704      4.513         27     82.918     86.489


  Variable .. I1P2

  For entire sample      87.185      5.054         27     85.186     89.184


  Variable .. I1P3

  For entire sample      87.037      5.626         27     84.811     89.263


  Variable .. I2P1

  For entire sample      81.111      5.423         27     78.966     83.256


  Variable .. I2P2

  For entire sample      81.741      6.010         27     79.363     84.118


  Variable .. I2P3

 For entire sample       82.778      5.976         27     80.414     85.142

The following table is an example of the output of the optional PRINT subcommand under the MANOVA command.  Note that the means must be collapsed over variables to find effects.  For example, in order to find the size of the INSTRUCT factor, the mean of the first three means would have to be compared with the mean of the last three means.  The POSITION main effect could likewise be found by comparing the means of I1P1 and I2P1, I1P2 and I2P2, and I1P3 and I2P3.









A graph of the interaction of  A and B is generated from the data if the interaction effect is found to be significant.  The following presents a graph of the above means.


The ANOVA Table

* * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * *


 Tests involving 'INSTRUCT' Within‑Subject Effect.


  Tests of Significance for T2 using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS             280.27      26     10.78

  INSTRUCT                 795.56       1    795.56     73.80      .000




Like the S X A design, the results produced by a within subjects design has several additional statistics besides the ANOVA table.  Each section of the results will now be analyzed in turn.


Interpretation of Output


The first section of the results is presented below:

* * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * *


 Tests of Between‑Subjects Effects.


  Tests of Significance for T1 using UNIQUE sums of squares

Source of Variation        SS     DF      MS       F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS          3753.11   26    144.35

  CONSTANT          1145593.39   1   1145593.4  7936.20   .000


Since there are no between subjects effects, other than the constant (m), in an S X A X B design, the information presented above is not very useful.  The analysis says that the grand mean is significantly different from zero.


Because the INSTRUCT main effect has only two levels, univariate and multivariate tests of significance do not differ.  In this case the SPSS program does only the univariate test with the following result.  Note that the INSTRUCT main effect is significant.


The third section of the results is presented below.

 * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * * *


 Tests involving 'PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.



  Mauchly sphericity test, W =      .51990

  Chi‑square approx. =            16.35277 with 2 D. F.

  Significance =                      .000


  Greenhouse‑Geisser Epsilon =      .67563

  Huynh‑Feldt Epsilon =             .69951

  Lower‑bound Epsilon =             .50000


AVERAGED Tests of Significance that follow multivariate tests are equivalent

to univariate or split‑plot or mixed‑model approach to repeated measures.

Epsilons may be used to adjust d.f. for the AVERAGED results.



* * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * *



Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 1, M = 0, N = 11 1/2)


Test Name   Value  Exact F  Hypoth. DF  Error DF   Sig. of F


  Pillais     .23891    3.92384    2.00    25.00   .033

  Hotellings  .31391    3.92384    2.00    25.00   .033

  Wilks       .76109    3.92384    2.00    25.00   .033

  Roys        .23891

 Note.. F statistics are exact.


As in the S X A design, the Mauchly sphericity test is an hypothesis test of the additional assumptions necessary in a within subjects design when the factors have more than two levels.   Because the PLACE factor has more than two level, these assumptions are tested by SPSS.  Note that in this case the significance of the Mauchly sphericity test seriously questions the assumptions necessary to test the PLACE main effect.


Multivariate tests of significance are sometimes recommended for testing within subjects effects because the assumptions necessary to perform the test are less restrictive.  Four different multivariate tests are performed and appear as follows:



Note that in this case all of the multivariate tests give the same Exact F and significance level.  These hypothesis tests provide evidence for the reality of effects.  The interpretation of the effect is the same as the interpretation for a significant main effect of A in design A.


The final table is a univariate test of the A effect.  Note that here the Lombard (A) main effect is statistically significant.  Interpretation of this significant main effect proceeds identically to the multivariate test for a significant main effect of A.


* * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * *


 Tests involving 'PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


AVERAGED Tests of Significance using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation       SS    DF      MS     F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS           448.89   52    8.63

  PLACE                 119.11     2   59.56    6.90    .002


In any case the results of this study seem clear, if the accompaniment was louder at some position in the song, the person sang louder.


Just as in the A X B design, the S X A X B design has an A by B interaction.  This term is tested by both multivariate and univariate analyses in SPSS.  In addition, the sphericity test is done to test the assumptions necessary to test this term.  The following presents the combined analysis.  Note the Mauchly sphericity test was not significant and both the multivariate and univariate tests of the INSTRUCT BY PLACE interaction were significant.  The interaction was probably mostly due to position 2 in the song where the instructions to control loudness were relatively more effective.

 * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * *

 Tests involving 'INSTRUCT BY PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.

  Mauchly sphericity test, W =      .87792

  Chi‑square approx. =             3.25506 with 2 D. F.

  Significance =                      .196


  Greenhouse‑Geisser Epsilon =      .89120

  Huynh‑Feldt Epsilon =             .95230

  Lower‑bound Epsilon =             .50000

 * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * *



  Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 1, M = 0, N = 11 1/2)


Test Name  Value  Exact F  Hypoth. DF  Error DF Sig. of F


  Pillais     .28144   4.89584    2.00     25.00     .016

  Hotellings  .39167   4.89584    2.00     25.00     .016

  Wilks       .71856   4.89584    2.00     25.00     .016

  Roys        .28144

  Note.. F statistics are exact.


 * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * *


 Tests involving 'INSTRUCT BY PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


Source of Variation       SS    DF      MS      F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS         166.91   52    3.21

  INSTRUCT BY PLACE     23.75    2   11.88    3.70    .031

Additional Assumptions for Univariate S X A X B Designs


To avoid distorting the decision-making process, it is necessary to add assumptions when taking a univariate approach to testing for the main effects and interaction effects in an  S X A X B design.  The assumptions identical to testing the main effect of A in an S X A design, namely that if an infinite number of subjects were run in the experiment and scores were collected on all levels of the within subjects treatments, then the correlations between the different treatments or combination of treatments would all be equal.  repeated measures ANOVA is that all the values in the matrix would be the same.


SS, MS, and Expected Mean Squares (EMS)


SS and MS


As in the preceding designs, the SS for any effect can be found by squaring the score model terms and summing the squares.  The mean squares may be obtained by dividing the SS by the appropriate degrees of freedom.  The F-ratio is then found by dividing the MS for that term by an error MS.  As in the S X A design it is not directly apparent whether the MS for the A effect (MSA) should be tested by dividing by the MS for Subjects (MSS), the MS for A by Subjects (MSAS), or the MS for error (MSE).  Expected mean squares may be used to find the correct error term.


Expected Mean Squares


The expected mean squares can be found by using the program described in Homer & Tessie.  The results of  running the program for design A X B X S has been previously presented in a text box.  Modifying the order of the terms yields the following:




Factor              Model Term                 Variance

  A                           aa                  σA2

  S                            ss                   σS2

  E                            eas                             σE2


In real life, only a sample of subjects (preferably random) is selected to be included in the experiment rather than an infinite number of subjects.  The terms in the score model are estimated and the mean squares for each term are computed.  Basically, the means squares for each term are variances of those estimated values.


Moving back again to the conceptual and abstract arena, visualize an infinite number of similar experiments being carried out.  The score model terms and associated mean squares are estimated for each experiment.  Each time they are different, but seem to cluster around one value or another.  A mathematician can  find the (theoretical) mean of the model terms and means squares using a technique called expected value.  The expected mean square (EMS) is the expected value of the infinite number of observed mean squares.


Using techniques that will not be covered in this text, it is possible to solve for the EMS in terms of real variances of model terms.  The results show certain patterns which have been placed in an algorithm so that given any standard model, the expected mean squares may be found (Lee, 1975).


The following results were found for design     S X A X B.


  A‑          σE + BσAS + SBσA

 AS‑         σE + BσAS

   B‑          σE + AσBS + SAσB

  BS‑         σE + AσBS

 AB‑         σE + σABS + SσAB

 ABS‑       σE + σABS

    S‑          σE + ABσS


The rule for selecting an error term to test the effect of a factor can now be recalled.  The error term (denominator) in the F-ratio is the mean square of the term with an expected mean square containing all the terms in the expected mean square of the term to be tested plus one - an error term - σE2.  From the above table it can be seen that MSAS is the appropriate error term for the A main effect.  In a like manner, the MSBS is used for B and MSABS is used for AB.   As before, there is no error term that could be used to test the subjects main effect.


The WITHIN CELLS term in the SPSS output corresponds to the appropriate error term.  For example, the MSABS term corresponds to the WITHIN CELLS term in the test of the AB interaction effect.






                   Mixed Designs - S ( A ) X B


The Design


In S ( A )  X B designs each subject sees each level of  B and appears under one and only one level of A.  These designs are called mixed designs because they contain both within and between subjects factors.  With respect to purpose and function, the S ( A ) X B design is like the A X B or S X A X B designs. 


An example of an experiment that employs an  S ( A ) X B design is a variation of the S X A X B experiment described in the previous chapter.  That study investigated the Lombard effect by having subjects sing the national anthem along with a choral group played through earphones.  In this variation of the study, the three levels of factor B were three different locations in the song.  Factor A investigated the effects of the subjects previous choral experience.  In this blocking factor, subjects either had no choral experience, some experience, or a great deal of experience.  The astute student might realize that this data is identical to the first half the data presented in the last chapter.


The Data


The data are arranged with each subject's data as a row.  As before, the first column in the data file is the subject number.   Following this are the three measures taken for each subject.  Note that the variables are named I1P1 to I1P3 for the three places in the song that readings were taken for each subject.  In this analysis only the condition when the subjects are given no instructions about how loudly to sing is used.



 2  1   3  93   93   93

 3  2   2  81   89   89

 4  1   2  88   93   89

 5  1   1  93   99   99

 6  2   1  82   83   83

 7  2   2  88   85   87

 8  1   3  86   92   89

 9  1   2  82   87   84

10  2   2  82   88   84

11  1   1  85   88   88

12  1   3  79   82   82

13  1   1  88   92   93

14  1   3  82   83   83

15  2   1  81   85   86

16  1   1  85   85   87

17  1   3  91   88   85

18  2   3  78   79   79

19  1   3  89   95  102

20  1   2  85   84   86

21  1   3  90   94   93

22  2   3  86   88   89

23  1   2  89   90   90

24  2   2  85   86   87

25  1   1  83   83   78

26  1   1  79   80   80

27  2   1  80   81   81

28  1   2  77   82   84

SPSS commands


After the keyword MANOVA, the names of the three variables used for the within subjects factor are listed.  Following the keyword BY, the between subjects factors are listed, followed by the beginning and ending levels in parentheses.  Here the between subjects factor is EXPER with factor levels starting at 1 and ending at 3. 


The subcommand WSFACTORS = is followed by a name for the B factor with the number of levels of that factor in parentheses following the factor name.  This is done in a manner identical to the design specification if a S X B design had been employed.  In this case the factor is labeled PLACE and has three levels.


As in the previous MANOVA examples, the PRINT = CELLINFO(MEANS) will give an optional table of the means for the three place variables at the three levels of the EXPER variable.  As before, the analysis will go on without the WSDESIGN and DESIGN subcommands, but putting them in avoids a warning message. 




                              I1P1 I1P2 I1P3 7‑15.


             EXPER  1 'NONE' 2 'SOME' 3 'LOTS'.







The Table of Means


 Cell Means and Standard Deviations

 Variable .. I1P1

    FACTOR        CODE      Mean  Std. Dev    95 percent Conf. Interval

   EXPER       NONE            84.000    4.387     9    80.627     87.373

   EXPER       SOME            84.111    3.951     9    81.074     87.148

   EXPER       LOTS             86.000    5.339      9   81.896     90.104

  For entire sample              84.704    4.513    27   82.918     86.489


  Variable .. I1P2

   EXPER       NONE            86.222    6.016      9   81.598     90.847

   EXPER       SOME            87.111    3.333      9   84.549     89.673

   EXPER       LOTS             88.222    5.783      9   83.777     92.668

  For entire sample              87.185    5.054    27   85.186     89.184


  Variable .. I1P3

   EXPER       NONE            86.111     6.679     9   80.977     91.245

   EXPER       SOME            86.667     2.345     9   84.864     88.469

   EXPER       LOTS             88.333     7.053     9   82.912     93.755

  For entire sample              87.037     5.626   27   84.811     89.263

The following table is an example of the output of the optional PRINT subcommand under the MANOVA command for a mixed design. 



A graph of the interaction of  A and B is generated from the data if the interaction effect is found to be significant.  Here the Song Position by Choral Experience interaction is not significant, but the graph is presented anyway.


The ANOVA Table


The complexity of the results of the       S ( A ) X B design falls between the      A X B and  S X A X B designs.  As before, each section of the results will now be analyzed.


Interpretation of Output


The first section of the results is presented below:

* * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * *


 Tests of Between‑Subjects Effects.


  Tests of Significance for T1 using UNIQUE sums of squares

Source of Variation       SS     DF     MS       F  Sig of F


  WITHIN CELLS        1714.37    24   71.43

  EXPER                 62.91     2   31.46     .44    .649


The result of the analysis of the between-subjects effect, here the main effect of  A, is presented first.  In the above example, the main effect of EXPER (Choral Experience) was not significant.


The Mauchly sphericity test is for the within subjects factor ( PLACE ) is presented next.  In this case this significance test is again significant and the tests of the within subjects factors must proceed with some consideration about whether the assumptions have been violated.


Multivariate tests of significance are sometimes recommended for testing within subjects



 * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * * * *


 Tests involving 'PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


  Mauchly sphericity test, W =      .75133

  Chi‑square approx. =             6.57602 with 2 D. F.

  Significance =                      .037


  Greenhouse‑Geisser Epsilon =      .80085

  Huynh‑Feldt Epsilon =             .92074

  Lower‑bound Epsilon =             .50000


 AVERAGED Tests of Significance that follow multivariate tests are

 equivalent to univariate or split‑plot or mixed‑model approach to

 repeated measures.

 Epsilons may be used to adjust d.f. for the AVERAGED results.

The multivariate and univariate tests for the B and A X B effects are presented next.  Note that all of the multivariate tests give the same Exact F and significance level.  The univariate tests, while providing a slightly different significance level, make the same decisions as the multivariate tests.

* * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * *



Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 2, M = ‑1/2, N = 10 1/2)


Test Name   Value   Approx. F   Hypoth. DF  Error DF sig. of F

  Pillais    .02538   .15421     4.00     48.00      .960

  Hotellings .02598   .14292     4.00     44.00      .965

  Wilks      .97465   .14860     4.00     46.00      .963

  Roys       .02436

  Note.. F statistic for WILK'S Lambda is exact.


* * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * *



Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 1, M = 0, N = 10 1/2)


Test Name    Value   Exact F Hypoth. DF  Error DF  Sig. of F


  Pillais     .44336  9.15950    2.00     23.00      .001

  Hotellings  .79648  9.15950    2.00     23.00      .001

  Wilks       .55664  9.15950    2.00     23.00      .001

  Roys        .44336

  Note.. F statistics are exact.


* * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * *


 Tests involving 'PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


AVERAGED Tests of Significance using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation       SS    DF      MS       F  Sig of F

  WITHIN CELL            237.41   48    4.95

  PLACE                 104.62     2   52.31    10.58   .000

  EXPER BY PLACE          1.98     4     .49      .10   .982

The results of the study seem clear.  At positions in the national anthem where the choir sang louder, the person singing along sang louder.  Experience in choral singing had no significant effect as either a main effect or interaction.


Expected Mean Squares (EMS)


The expected mean squares can be found by using the program described in Appendix B.  The results of  running the program for design S ( A ) X B has been previously presented in a text box.  Modifying the order of the terms yields the following:


  A‑          σE + BσS + SBσA

  S-A        σE + BσS

  B‑           σE + σBS + SAσB

  AB‑        σE + σBS + SσAB

  BS‑A      σE + σBS


The rule for selecting an error term to test the effect of a factor can now be recalled.  The error term (denominator) in the F-ratio is the mean square of the term with an expected mean square containing all the terms in the expected mean square of the term to be tested plus the error term - σE2.  From the above table it is seen that MSBS is the appropriate error term for the B main effect and AB interaction effect.  The WITHIN CELLS term in the SPSS output corresponds to the appropriate error term.  For example, the MSABS term corresponds to the WITHIN CELLS term in the test of the B and AB interaction effect.






                            Three Factor ANOVA


This chapter will focus on four designs which serve the same function, to test the effects of three factors simultaneously.  The designs which will be studied include:



S ( A ) X B X C

S ( A X B ) X C



Since the naming of the factors is arbitrary, these designs include all possible three factor designs.  In a departure from the last few chapters, the similarities of these designs will first be studied, followed by the differences.  The advantages and disadvantages of each will be then be presented.




The function of the four designs given above is to test for the reality of three kinds of effects,  main, two-way interaction, and three-way interaction.  Although the first two have been described in detail in earlier chapters, the different forms of the effects will be discussed.  The three-way interaction will be discussed in detail.


A study of effects begins with a table of means.  This table might be constructed by averaging over subjects in any number of ways, depending upon the design.  An example of a table of means follows.


 c1                     c2

  b1  b2   b3           b1  b2   b3

┌────┬────┬────┐        ┌────┬────┬────┐

  a1    5   5   5 5        6   7   8 7

      ├────┼────┼────┤        ├────┼────┼────┤ 

  a2    7   7   7 7        6   5   4 5

      └────┴────┴────┘        └────┴────┴────┘

   6    6   6    6        6    6     6   6


Main Effects


Main effects are found in a manner analogous to finding main effects in a two factor design, except that the data must be collapsed over two other effects rather than one.  In the case of a three factor experiment, there will be three main effects, one for each factor, A, B, and C


.For example, in order to find the main effect of factor A, one must find the mean of each level of A, collapsing over levels of  B and C.  In the above example _a.. =  ( _a11 + _a12 + ... + _ABC) / BC.  Where a=1, B=3, and C=2,  _1.. = ( _111 + _112 + _121 + _122 + _131 + _132 ) / 6  =  ( 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 ) / 6 = 6.  Likewise, _2.. = 6 and there would be no main effect of A, because these values are similar.


In a like manner, _.1. = _.2. = _.3. =  6 and there would be no main effect of B.  From the table above it can be seen that _..1 =  _..2 =  6 and there would be no main effect of C.  Thus, this table is an example of a three factor experiment where no main effects would be found.


Two-Way Interactions


Each combination of two factors produces a two-way interaction by collapsing over the third factor.  The three two-way interactions are interpreted just like the single two-way interaction would be in an A X B design.


By collapsing over the C factor, the AB interaction yields the following table and graph.  Note that an AB interaction is present because the simple main effect of B does changes over levels of A, in one instance increasing with B and the other decreasing.  This table also clearly illustrates the lack of an A or B main effect.


  b1  b2   b3  


  a1  5.5  6 6.5 6


  a2  6.5  6 5.5 6


   6    6   6    6


By collapsing over the B factor, the AC interaction produces the following table and graph. The cells in the table reproduce the numbers which appeared as row means in the full table.  In this case there is an AC interaction present.


  c1  c2  


  a1    5   7 6


  a2    7   5 6


   6    6   6


By collapsing over the A factor, the BC table and graph are produced.  The numbers in the graph appear as row means on the separate tables in the original data.  In this case the interaction is absent.


  b1  b2   b3  


  c1    6   6   6 6


  c2    6   6   6 6


   6    6   6    6


Three-Way Interaction


The three-way interaction, ABC, is a change in the simple two-way interaction over levels of the third factor.  A simple two-way interaction is a two-way interaction at a single level of a third factor.  For example, going back to the original table of means in this example, the simple interaction effect of AB at c1 would be given in the means in the left-hand boxes.  The same simple interaction at c2 would be given in the right-hand boxes.


A change in the simple two-way interaction refers a change in the relationship of the lines.  If in both simple two-way interactions the lines were parallel, no matter what the orientation, there would be no three-way interaction.  Similarity, if the lines in the simple two-way interactions intersected at the same angle, again no matter what the orientation, there would be no three-way interaction. 


In the case of the example data, graphed below, the orientation of the lines comprising the simple interactions changes from parallel to non-parallel from one graph to the other.  In this case a three-way interaction would exist.  It may or may not be significant depending upon the size of the error term.





Additional Examples


All Effects Significant


The following table of means was constructed such that all effects would be significant, given that the error terms were small relative to the size of the effects.


 c1                     c2

  b1  b2   b3           b1  b2   b3

┌────┬────┬────┐        ┌────┬────┬────┐

  a1    4   5   6 5        5   5   5 5

      ├────┼────┼────┤        ├────┼────┼────┤ 

  a2    7   8   9 8        6   5   4 5

└────┴────┴────┘        └────┴────┴────┘

5.5   6.5   7.5 6.5      


The A X B interaction in table and graph form follow:


  b1  b2   b3  


  a1  4.5  5 5.5 5


  a2  6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5


  5.5 5.75   6   5.75


The same is now done for the           A X C interaction:


  c1  c2  


  a1    5   5 5


  a2    8   5 6.5


  6.5   5   5.75


In a similar fashion the table and graph for the B X C interaction:


  b1  b2   b3  


  c1  5.5 6.5 7.5 6.5


  c2  5.5  5 4.5 5


  5.5 5.75   6   5.75


Finally the graph of the three-way interaction is given.









Example 3 - B, AC, and BC


Selecting a somewhat arbitrary combination of effects, one could ask what table of means could produce a combination of effects such that B, AC, and BC would possibly be significant and all other effects would not be significant.  The following tables are one solution.


 c1                     c2

  b1  b2   b3           b1  b2   b3

┌────┬────┬────┐        ┌────┬────┬────┐

  a1    4   5   6 5        7   7   7 7

      ├────┼────┼────┤        ├────┼────┼────┤ 

  a2    6   7   8 7        5   5   5 5

      └────┴────┴────┘        └────┴────┴────┘

   5    6     7   6        6   6     6   6


The presence of a B main effect and the lack of an A main effect and AB interaction is seen in the following table and graph.


  b1  b2   b3  


  a1  5.5  6 6.5 6


  a2  5.5  6 6.5 6


  5.5   6   6.5   6


The AC interaction is seen in the following.


  c1  c2  


  a1    5   7 6


  a2    7   5 6


   6    6   6




The BC interaction is seen in the following.


  b1  b2   b3  


  c1    5   6   7 6


  c2    6   6   6 6


  5.5   6   6.5   6


The ABC three-way interaction is not significant because the simple interaction of AB does not change over levels of C.  In this case the lines are parallel in both cases.



Two More Examples


Because a three-way interaction does not always appear as intuitive to students, two additional examples three-way interactions are now given.  In the first case, the three-way interaction is not significant because the relationships between the lines in the simple interactions do not change.  In the second example, only the three-way interaction is significant.



 c1                     c2

  b1  b2   b3           b1  b2   b3

┌────┬────┬────┐        ┌────┬────┬────┐

  a1    5   5   5 5        7   7   7 7

      ├────┼────┼────┤        ├────┼────┼────┤ 

  a2    5   7   9 7        3   5   7 5

      └────┴────┴────┘        └────┴────┴────┘

   5    6   7    6        5    6     7   6


The reader should verify that in the above example there might be a significant main effect of B, an AB interaction, and an AC interaction, but no other effects could be significant.


 c1                     c2

  b1  b2   b3           b1  b2   b3

┌────┬────┬────┐        ┌────┬────┬────┐

  a1    4   6   8 6        8   6   4 6

      ├────┼────┼────┤        ├────┼────┼────┤ 

  a2    8   6   4 6        4   6   8 6

      └────┴────┴────┘        └────┴────┴────┘

   6    6   6    6        6    6     6   6


In the above example, only the three-way interaction could be significant.  There could be no other significant effects.


Expected Mean Squares


As describe previously, each term in the score model has expected mean squares terms which determine which mean square term is used as an error term to test the significance of an effect.  The same four designs are used to illustrate expected mean squares, but the terms are rearranged to show how the various terms in each model are tested.





  A‑                  όE + BCόA

  B‑                  όE + ACόB

  C‑                  όE + ABόC

  AB‑  όE + CόAB

  AC‑  όE + BόAC

  BC‑  όE + AόBC

  ABC‑             όE + όABC

  S-ABC          σE


S ( A X B ) X C


  A‑                  όE + CόS + SBCόA

  B‑                  όE + CόS + SACόB

  AB‑  όE + CόS + SCόAB

  S‑AB             όE + CόS


  C‑                  όE + όCS + SABόC

  AC‑  όE + όCS + SBόAC

  BC‑  όE + όCS + SAόBC

  ABC‑             όE + όCS + SόABC

  CS‑AB          όE + όCS


S ( A ) X B X C


  A‑                  όE + BCόS + SBCόA

  S‑A    όE + BCόS


  B‑                  όE + CόBS + SACόB

  AB‑               όE + CόBS + SCόAB

  BS‑A             όE + CόBS


  C‑                  όE + BόCS + SABόC

  AC‑               όE + BόCS + SBόAC

  CS‑A             όE + BόCS


  BC‑  όE + όBCS + SAόBC

  ABC‑             όE + όBCS + SόABC

  BCS‑A          όE + όBCS


  S X A X B X C


  A‑      όE + BCόAS + SBCόA

  AS‑    όE + BCόAS


  B‑                  όE + ACόBS + SACόB

  BS‑                όE + ACόBS


  C‑                  όE + ABόCS + SABόC

  CS‑    όE + ABόCS


  S‑                  όE + ABCόS


  AB‑  όE + CόABS + SCόAB

  ABS‑             όE + CόABS


  AC‑  όE + BόACS + SBόAC

  ACS‑             όE + BόACS


  BC‑  όE + AόBCS + SAόBC

  BCS‑             όE + AόBCS


  ABC‑             όE + όABCS + SόABC

  ABCS‑          όE + όABCS


Tests of Significance


Error Terms


The error term used to test an effect will differ depending upon the design of the experiment.  As can be seen from the above EMS for the various designs, if a term to be tested has any factor which is crossed with subjects, then the interaction with subjects is used as an error term.  For example, in the S(AXB)XC design, the AB term is tested using the S-AB or subjects mean square, while the ABC term is tested using the CS-AB mean square. 


SPSS Output


The greater the number of factors that are crossed with subjects (S), the more output the MANOVA package within SPSS will provide.  For every factor crossed with subjects the program does both a test of the assumptions (Mauchly Sphericity Test) and three multivariate tests of significance in addition to the univariate tests of significance.  The output from an SXAXBXC design can be somewhat forbidding.  An example of an experiment employing each of the functional three-factor designs will now be presented in addition to the data file, MANOVA commands, and example output.




S ( A X B X C)


S ( A X B ) X C



S ( A ) X B X C


In its full form, the experiment designed to test the Lombard effect in choral singers neatly fulfill this design.  Factor A was choral singing experience - None, Some, or Lots.  Each subject sang the national anthem twice, Factor B, the first time with no instructions and the second with instructions to try to control vocal intensity.  Singing loudness (in decibels) was measured at three different points (Factor C) in the song.


The data has been presented in its full form in a previous chapter (Design SXAXB), so it is not necessary to present it again.  The MANOVA commands necessary to do the analysis is given below.  Note that the only difference between this set of commands and the set of commands do the SXAXB analysis the BY EXPER (1,3) on the first line following the MANOVA command.







The means and standard deviations are presented first.

  Cell Means and Standard Deviations

  Variable .. I1P1

FACTOR     CODE               Mean  Std. Dev.          N   95 percent Conf. Interval

   EXPER     NONE            84.000      4.387          9     80.627     87.373

   EXPER     SOME            84.111      3.951          9     81.074     87.148

   EXPER     LOTS            86.000      5.339          9     81.896     90.104

  For entire sample          84.704      4.513         27     82.918     86.489


  Variable .. I1P2

   EXPER     NONE            86.222      6.016          9     81.598     90.847

   EXPER     SOME            87.111      3.333          9     84.549     89.673

   EXPER     LOTS            88.222      5.783          9     83.777     92.668

  For entire sample          87.185      5.054         27     85.186     89.184


  Variable .. I1P3

   EXPER     NONE            86.111      6.679          9     80.977     91.245

   EXPER     SOME            86.667      2.345          9     84.864     88.469

   EXPER     LOTS            88.333      7.053          9     82.912     93.755

  For entire sample          87.037      5.626         27     84.811     89.263


  Variable .. I2P1

   EXPER     NONE            79.778      4.147          9     76.590     82.965

   EXPER     SOME            81.000      5.635          9     76.669     85.331

   EXPER     LOTS            82.556      6.502          9     77.558     87.554

  For entire sample          81.111      5.423         27     78.966     83.256


  Variable .. I2P2

   EXPER     NONE            80.556      5.725          9     76.155     84.956

   EXPER     SOME            80.556      4.065          9     77.431     83.681

   EXPER     LOTS            84.111      7.656          9     78.226     89.996

  For entire sample          81.741      6.010         27     79.363     84.118


  Variable .. I2P3

   EXPER     NONE            82.333      6.671          9     77.206     87.461

   EXPER     SOME            80.667      3.969          9     77.616     83.717

   EXPER     LOTS            85.333      6.576          9     80.278     90.388

  For entire sample          82.778      5.976         27     80.414     85.142


The results of the hypothesis tests from the preceding set of commands is presented below in its full form.


 * * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * * * * * *

 Tests of Between‑Subjects Effects.

  Tests of Significance for T1 using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F

  WITHIN CELLS            3527.19      24    146.97

  EXPER                    225.93       2    112.96       .77      .475

* * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * * * * * *


 Tests involving 'INSTRUCT' Within‑Subject Effect.

  Tests of Significance for T2 using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F

  WITHIN CELLS             260.37      24     10.85

  INSTRUCT                 795.56       1    795.56     73.33      .000

  EXPER BY INSTRUCT         19.90       2      9.95       .92      .413


 Tests involving 'PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


  Mauchly sphericity test, W =      .51268

  Chi‑square approx. =            15.36643 with 2 D. F.

  Significance =                      .000


  Greenhouse‑Geisser Epsilon =      .67235

  Huynh‑Feldt Epsilon =             .75715

  Lower‑bound Epsilon =             .50000


 AVERAGED Tests of Significance that follow multivariate tests are equivalent to

 univariate or split‑plot or mixed‑model approach to repeated measures.

 Epsilons may be used to adjust d.f. for the AVERAGED results.

 * * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * * * * *



  Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 2, M = ‑1/2, N = 10 1/2)

  Test Name               Value        Approx. F       Hypoth. DF         Error DF        Sig. of F

  Pillais                .06553           .40650             4.00            48.00             .803

  Hotellings             .06957           .38266             4.00            44.00             .820

  Wilks                  .93472           .39481             4.00            46.00             .811

  Roys                   .06147

  Note.. F statistic for WILK'S Lambda is exact.


* * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * * * * * *


  Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 1, M = 0, N = 10 1/2)

  Test Name               Value          Exact F       Hypoth. DF         Error DF        Sig. of F

  Pillais                .24300          3.69164             2.00            23.00             .041

  Hotellings             .32101          3.69164             2.00            23.00             .041

  Wilks                  .75700          3.69164             2.00            23.00             .041

  Roys                   .24300

  Note.. F statistics are exact.


 * * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * *

 Tests involving 'PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


  AVERAGED Tests of Significance for MEAS.1 using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F

  WITHIN CELLS             437.04      48      9.10

  PLACE                    119.11       2     59.56      6.54      .003

  EXPER BY PLACE            11.85       4      2.96       .33      .860


 * * * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * * *

 Tests involving 'INSTRUCT BY PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


  Mauchly sphericity test, W =      .91778

  Chi‑square approx. =             1.97333 with 2 D. F.

  Significance =                      .373


  Greenhouse‑Geisser Epsilon =      .92403

  Huynh‑Feldt Epsilon =            1.00000

  Lower‑bound Epsilon =             .50000


 AVERAGED Tests of Significance that follow multivariate tests are equivalent to

 univariate or split‑plot or mixed‑model approach to repeated measures.

 Epsilons may be used to adjust d.f. for the AVERAGED results.


* * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E  * * * * * * * * *



  Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 2, M = ‑1/2, N = 10 1/2)

  Test Name               Value        Approx. F       Hypoth. DF         Error DF        Sig. of F

  Pillais                .17727          1.16704             4.00            48.00             .337

  Hotellings             .20882          1.14852             4.00            44.00             .346

  Wilks                  .82521          1.15950             4.00            46.00             .341

  Roys                   .16200

  Note.. F statistic for WILK'S Lambda is exact.


* * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * * *


  Multivariate Tests of Significance (S = 1, M = 0, N = 10 1/2)

  Test Name               Value          Exact F       Hypoth. DF         Error DF        Sig. of F

  Pillais                .29476          4.80658             2.00            23.00             .018

  Hotellings             .41796          4.80658             2.00            23.00             .018

  Wilks                  .70524          4.80658             2.00            23.00             .018

  Roys                   .29476

  Note.. F statistics are exact.


 * * * * * * * * A N A L Y S I S   O F   V A R I A N C E * * * * * * *

 Tests involving 'INSTRUCT BY PLACE' Within‑Subject Effect.


  AVERAGED Tests of Significance for MEAS.1 using UNIQUE sums of squares

  Source of Variation          SS      DF        MS         F  Sig of F

  WITHIN CELLS             148.30      48      3.09

  INSTRUCT BY PLACE         23.75       2     11.88      3.84      .028

  EXPER BY INSTRUCT BY      18.62       4      4.65      1.51      .215



From the preceding analysis the results are reasonably clear.  Main effects were found for the INSTRUCT and PLACE factors.  When instructed, the singers sang with less intensity.  In different places in the song the singers also sang with different intensity levels over both levels of instructions.


The significant interactions of EXPER BY PLACE and INSTRUCT BY PLACE are best seen in the three-way interaction, even though the three-way interaction was not significant.  The graph of the EXPER BY INSTRUCT BY PLACE interaction is presented below.



From the above graphs it can be seen that the more experienced the singer, the more loudly he or she sang.  In addition, experienced singers sang relatively more loudly than inexperienced singers at song positions 2 and 3.  Also, the instructions to sing at an even level seemed to work best at position 2, combined over all groups.


For an explanation of what all this means, it is perhaps best to refer to the original author (Tonkinson,1990, p. 25)

The original problem was:  Is the Lombard effect, to a significant degree, and unconscious response in choral singing at different levels of experience and training, and can it be consciously avoided.  Most of the choral singers in this study, regardless of experience, tended to succumb to a Lombard effect when faced with increasing loss of auditory feedback.  They were, however, able to control the level of vocal intensity with some brief instructions.  It appears that simple training in awareness would be enough for a member of an amateur choir to begin regulating the intensity of their voice in a healthy manner.




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Norusis, Marija. (1990).  The SPSS Guide to Data Analysis for Release 4.  Chicago:  SPSS, Inc.


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Stevens, S. S. (1951).  Mathematics, measurement and psychophysics.  In S. S. Stevens(Ed.), Handbook of experimental psychology (pp. 1-49).  New York: Wiley.


Tonkinson, S. E.  The Lombard Effect in Choral Singing.  Dissertation Abstracts, 1990.


Torgerson, W. S. (1967).  Theory and Methods of Scaling.  New York:  Wiley.


Tufte, Edward R. (1983).  The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.  Cheshire, Conn:  Graphics Press.


Winer, B. J. (1971).  Statistical Principles in Experimental Design.  New York: McGraw-Hill.



 dummy codes......................... 232

 MANOVA command............. 166

 multiple regression.......... 219, 222

 orthogonal transformations...... 214


A X B.................................. 173

 t-test...................................... 170

 Table of Means...................... 194

 theory-driven.......................... 171

/DESIGN................ 166, 226, 228


SEQUENTIA....................... 226

SEQUENTIAL............ 226, 228

UNIQUE............................. 226


/METHOD = UNIQUE.......... 226


/METHOD=TEST.................. 234

/METHOD=UNIQUE............ 232

/METHODS=UNIQUE.......... 231

A X B..................................... 172

Analysis of variance................. 214

ANOVA         132, 138, 158, 163,    164, 199, 214, 216, 217,           219, 229

single-factor.......................... 203

summary table....................... 176

ANOVA table         151, 152, 193,    195, 203‑205, 207, 241


within-subjects designs.......... 244


A X B X C........................... 258

AVOVA table......................... 195

B WITHIN A.......................... 195

B(A)............................... 193, 207

B(A) ...................................... 141

Balanced designs............. 225, 230

Between groups....................... 173

Between subjects..... 142, 173, 261

Between subjects effects.......... 242

Between subjects factors......... 149

Blocking factor................ 136, 140

Bolded capital letters............... 133

Bulimia.................................... 146

BY.......................................... 166

Carry-over effects................... 140

categorical............................... 224

Causal inferences..................... 136

Cell means............... 175, 190, 233

Central Limit Theorem...... 154‑156

Choir....................................... 145

Collapsing............................... 177

Complex experiments.............. 149

constant term........................... 217


difference.............................. 210

non-orthogonal............. 199, 208

orthogonal.................... 198, 200

polynomial............................ 211

simple................................... 210

Contrasts................................. 197

CORRELATION.................... 239

correlation matrix             217, 222,    234, 240, 244, 251

Correlations............................. 258

Counter variable...................... 168

Critical value............................ 152

Crossed.................................. 139

Data file           165, 173, 215, 239,    249, 261

Data files................................. 165

DATA LIST............ 173, 239, 250

Data matrix...................... 148, 222

Data table................................ 190

data-driven.............................. 171

default..................................... 227

/METHOD........................... 227

degrees of freedom          151, 206,    222, 243, 258

orthogonal contrasts.............. 204

Dependent measure................. 147

Dependent variable.......... 133, 165

continuous............................ 214

DESIGN         174, 193, 240, 251,    262

unbalanced........................... 226


unbalanced........................... 225

Df........................................... 151

Difference contrasts................. 210

discrete variables..................... 215

discriminant analysis................. 223

Dot notation.................... 168, 190

Dots........................................ 189

dummy codes.......................... 234

dummy coding         214, 217, 222,    223

Duncan’s Multiple Range test... 170

E............................................. 137

ED-STAT....................... 225, 227

Effects............. 132, 152, 197, 268

EMS............... 246, 247, 259, 279

Error term       247, 260, 267, 276,    279

Essay...................................... 172

Exact F................................... 265


non-orthogonal contrasts....... 208

Expected mean square     246, 259,    260, 267

Expected mean squares           245,    247, 258, 267, 276

Experiment-wise error rate....... 151

Experimental design         132, 143,    145

experimentwide error rate........ 170

F-distribution................... 159, 162

F-ratio     151, 157‑160, 162, 167,    245, 247, 258, 260, 267

Factor..................... 132, 214, 268

fixed..................................... 137

random................................. 138

Factor name............................ 166

Factors.................................... 133

crossed................................. 139

Fcrit................................ 160, 164

Fixed....................................... 137

FOBS..................................... 164

G............................................ 135

Gender.................................... 136

general linear model................. 223

Geometrical perspective........... 231

Geometrical perspective .......... 231

Grand mean..................... 175, 254

Grand mean ............................ 190

Graph...................................... 264

Graphical presentation............. 153

Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon.... 243

Group factor............................ 135

Hierarchical design................... 141

Hierarchical designs................. 192

Hierarchical designs ................ 141

Homer & Tessie...................... 258

Huynh-Feldt Epsilon................ 243

hypothesis test......................... 219

Hypothesis testing............ 132, 158

Hypothesis testing theory......... 246

independence.................. 157, 222

Independent effects.................. 225

Independent variable        132, 165,    214, 223

independent variables............... 222

Infinite..................................... 259

Interaction       178, 206, 226, 237,    253, 264, 272, 279, 285

simple................................... 275

simple two-way.................... 271

three-way             268, 271, 273,    275, 285

two-way............................... 269

Interaction effect...... 222, 260, 267

Interaction term....................... 226


three-way............................. 271

interval.................................... 224

Interval scale........................... 211

Large standard deviation.......... 188

Levels of a factor..................... 133

Linear effects........................... 231

Linear trend..................... 211, 212

LIST............................... 166, 250

Lombard effect        144, 238, 249,    261, 280

Main effect      206, 222, 226, 243,    265, 267

simple........................... 178, 207

Main effects             177, 255, 269,    285

nested................................... 194

MANOVA     132, 137, 174, 175,    202, 212, 226, 232, 233,           236, 239, 250, 252, 262,         263, 279, 280

/METHOD=TEST................ 236

contrasts............................... 209


MANOVA command.............. 164

Marginal means....... 175, 177, 233


transpose.............................. 217

Mauchly sphericity test             243,    245, 255, 256, 265, 279


cell....................................... 175

grand.................................... 175

Marginal............................... 175

Mean Square................... 151, 247

Mean Square Between............ 161

Mean Square Within................ 161

Mean Squares Between........... 157


means.............................. 175, 214

unweighted........................... 233

weighted............................... 233

MEANS command.................. 164

Means squares........................ 246

Measures per subject............... 148

Mixed design........................... 263

Model............................. 162, 229

adjusted................................ 230

MS................................. 151, 258

MSB ...................................... 161

MSW...................................... 161

Multiple regression           197, 214,    215, 217, 223, 231

ANOVA.............................. 237

Multiple t-tests......................... 150

Multivariate............................. 254

Multivariate ANOVA.............. 165

Multivariate approach.............. 245

Multivariate test....................... 256

Multivariate tests.............. 243, 265

Multivariate tests of significance 255, 265, 279

Negative numbers.................... 229

Nested.................... 140, 147, 192

Nested main effect................... 195

Nested main effects................. 194

Newman-Keuls....................... 170

Nichols, David......................... 230

Non-orthogonal contrasts        199,    209

Non-parallel............................ 271

Non-significant........................ 203

Nonsignificant effects............... 152

Notational system............ 133, 169

Number of subjects................. 148

orthogonal............................... 234

orthogonal contrast.......... 198, 217

Orthogonal contrasts        199, 200,    213, 215‑217, 219, 220

sum of squares...................... 204

orthogonal transformations....... 214

Parallel.................................... 178

Parameter................................ 156

Parameters...... 153, 154, 159, 178

Parsimonious........................... 200

Part correlations...................... 231

Polynomial Contrasts

example................................ 212

post-hoc.................................. 170

Pre-existing ............................ 135

pre-planned contrasts.............. 170

PRINT.................................... 252

PRINT = CELLINFO(MEANS) 240, 251, 262



Probability models................... 153

Probed recall........................... 143

Quadratic trend............... 211, 212

Random factor......................... 138

Ratio....................................... 243

Real effect............................... 177

Real effects.............. 152, 160, 161

Reality Therapy ...................... 150

recoding.................................. 217

Regression....................... 229, 234

/METHOD=TEST                234,    235

METHOD=TEST................. 234

Repeated measures.......... 238, 249

Repeated measures designs...... 140

residual vector......................... 231

Reverse Helmert contrast......... 210

S............................................. 137

S ( A )  X B............................ 261

S X A..................................... 238

S X A X B.............................. 249

S(A)........................................ 142

Sample statistics.............. 153, 155

Sampling distribution        153‑155,    161

Sampling distribution of the mean 154

Score model    225, 238, 245, 246,    258, 276

SEQUENTIAL....... 226, 227, 230

Set of contrasts........................ 198

Set of orthogonal contrasts....... 204

polynomial trends.................. 211

Sheffe’.................................... 170

Sig.......................................... 151

Sig of F........................... 152, 177

Significant................ 177, 203, 272

Significant effects..................... 152

Significantly different................ 164

Simple effects.......................... 195

Simple main effect............ 178, 269

Simple two-way interaction...... 271

Small letters............................. 133

Solitaire................................... 133

Source............................ 151, 177

Sphericity test.................. 243, 256

SPSS      164, 165, 193, 201, 202,    213, 215, 225, 227, 254,           260, 267, 279

MANOVA........... 219, 220, 223

REGRESSION............ 218, 222

SS........... 151, 204, 228, 245, 258

non-orthogonal contrasts....... 209

orthogonal contrasts.............. 204

WITHIN.............................. 208

Standard error of the mean...... 156

Star Spangled Banner.............. 238

Straight line.............................. 211

Subject numbers...................... 239

Subjects.......................... 132, 137

Subjects main effect................. 260

Subscript................................. 168

Subscripted............................. 248

Subscripts....................... 133, 189

Sum of Squares............... 151, 227

non-orthogonal contrasts....... 208

total - balanced designs......... 225

Summary table................. 174, 177

Summation...................... 168, 189

Summation sign........................ 189

Sums of squares.............. 230, 231

Swimsuit issue......................... 146

T............................................. 135

T-distribution........................... 159

T-test.............................. 159, 163

Table of means        175, 202, 268,    272, 274

Tables of Means...................... 193

Theoretical probability distribution 159

Three-way interaction...... 268, 276

Treatment factors..................... 134

Treatments...................... 132, 134

Trend...................................... 211

Trials factor............................. 135

Two-tailed test........................ 163

Two-way interactions.............. 269

Type I error............................. 151

Unbalanced............................. 227

Unbalanced design................... 225

Unbalanced designs         225, 227,    230

uncorrelated............ 217, 222, 234

unequal cell sizes.............. 224, 237

Unequal numbers..................... 230

UNIQUE......................... 226‑230

Unit factor............................... 137

Univariate........................ 254, 265

Univariate approach................. 245

VALUE LABELS........... 174, 250

vectors.................................... 231

Vocal intensity......................... 145

WARNING............................ 166

Warning message..................... 262

WITHIN................................. 193

WITHIN CELLS............ 260, 267

Within method......................... 155

Within subjects        140, 238, 249,    261, 265

Within subjects design

assumptions.......................... 243

Within subjects designs............ 238

Within subjects factor.............. 262

Within subjects factors............. 149

WSDESIGN........... 240, 251, 262

WSFACTORS....................... 251

WSFACTORS =            239, 250,    262

X............................................ 139

X-axis..................................... 176